Saturday, 15 October 2016


12th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The mind must always remain positive; it is in our thinking that we must always know we will be saved”

“So many people on the point of giving up, see their salvation come to them out of the blue and when they least expect it”

“The helping hand given with no concessions, but with unconditional love is the life saviour for so many”

“Learn to trust in a Higher Intelligence acting on your behalves, where a light in the darkness shows us the way forward”

“We are all mortal, but a spiritual creation and when we are connected to that Higher Intelligence we see our own true paths”

“The turning point is now, when the world will stand up against the oppressors”

“We now are collectively armed to seek an alternative way and where we can defeat the evil arms of aggression”

“Then we will know peace is in our hands to command”

“We must act now and together to know we will all be directed and where sound solutions are found to bring an end to violence and fear”

“We stand united and brave and we will triumph!”

5th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When you have extremes of emotions, love or hate, then much disruption occurs in one’s life”

“To have a person, who loves to the extremes that they become obsessional with desires, can bruise the delicate soul of the individual”

“All of us are built differently and so to be less obsessive is a good thing”

“Obsession leads to harshness in a relationship, a wanting to know at every second of the day what that individual is up to”

“Through the opening of social media, where so many souls are exposing their lives for individuals to spy on – this becomes unhealthy”

“We are becoming a race of nosey parkers, all obsessed with what celebrities are up to and how they are portrayed in our estimations”

“If they handle their publicity correctly, we love them.  If it is adverse publicity and they fall from grace, we hate them”

“How can we control our emotions when there is so much media exposure looking into the private lives of all of us?”

“It is now time to look at ourselves to rise above the social voyeurism and to look at what is important”

“It is high time with our humane love to help those whose lives have been shattered by hate”

“We need to heal and put balance back into an unbalanced world and to see what is important and how we can help here”

“Getting back to nature, being at one with it, restoring balance back into our lives where we can actually restore an inner peace”

“Getting away, obtaining solitude with ourselves and our Creator is all that any of us need from time to time”

“Allowing love that is pure, unsullied and not overpowering but restorative, is the best for all us and completely necessary”

“We owe it to ourselves to be in balance, in harmony and where the extremes of love or hate do not affect us”

“Then we will begin to see what is important and how we can obtain lasting peace and security at all times”

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