Friday, 19 August 2016


10th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Life is never simple these days and, where we all think it should flow nicely, it rarely does”

“Too many complications with Mankind letting Mankind down takes its toll on all of us”

“We all tend to expect more from services today than we actually get”

“We also tend to rely on things like the doctors always being there for us, the fire brigade and water coming out of the tap”

“All these are taken for granted and when they let us down we become upset and angry”

“Everybody in their own way is doing their best”

“But all of us are under pressure today to deliver far more in a limited time than was ever expected”

“We all of us must take a deep breath and say that matters will be able to resolve themselves in time”

“We cannot keep expecting to be an instant society, that is where situations breakdown”

“The pressure to perform is too high. We all expect too much”

“It is only when we take our foot off the accelerator and slow down a bit that situations do begin to change for us”

“Then a better outlook materialises”

“We must learn to be more patient and more accepting of situations”

“When we relax more things go smoothly and the pressure is then off us”

“By remaining calm & trying to take matters in our stride we can actually perform at a higher level & a better outcome becomes possible”

“We are all human and have many frailties. We must learn tolerance if we are to grow as a society and as an individual”

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