Spain will continue to grow in its crisis as the economy further falls…
…The banks will have no choice but to let the debts go and try and redeem themselves
Spain will fall in eight sections…
…just as they think they have stabilised, so another fall will hit them until, like Greece, they reach the bottom
Their demise will give shockwaves around Europe…
...Germany especially will feel it as they begin to further lose their grip on the monetary situation
It is the equivalent of holding a slippery bar of soap in water…
…You cannot really hold it and this is what Germany will feel regarding European Monetary Policy. They can no longer hold onto it
It is all slipping away before Germany’s eyes. They are powerless until it finally reaches its designated level
Many rich people do have a conscience and do help in giving to Charities
Many rich people give freely of their wealth where they feel moved to act in a compassionate manner
The problem is those rich people unfortunately are in the minority. The likes of the famous Sir James Goldsmith gave freely and often
He was a true hero to the poor. Sadly he is not with us anymore. Many could learn by his example
To understand the plight of the poor one has to reach that level of deprivation where all is taken from you and lost and there is no hope
Only then can the full understanding of poverty resonate within. Others can only pretend they know. They don’t really know!!
It is those who have lost everything and then give that are the true saints of this world and their giving is appreciated by all
Accepting the fiscal dilemma does not mean that other monetary issues cannot be addressed…
…They need to see matters in a different way for the realisation that matters can be turned around if dealt with in the right way
Europe now is in defragmentation, as country after country will no longer bow down to Germany…
…who will find their situation alienates them from the rest of Europe
No one will want to know them and their monetary policies will be torn up until a new deal is reached where Europe can unite again
See Europe further fragment as the Euro goes into its second crisis. Nothing can stop this happening
All who cannot stay afloat will have to go under until a new radical system is implemented to refloat all these economy barren countries
See the UK hold its own – just. It also will tilt and it will be touch and go before it finally rights itself…
…All aspects of Government from all parties will unite together to save this country and be proud they did
So party politics will be put aside to keep the UK afloat – just!
Until the European Banking structure can be reconstructed to allow people to deal with their day to day managing, nothing can get better
To squeeze the lifeblood out of Greece and Spain will turn everything inwards…
…Their economy to implode leaving all debts there and with no money to pay for it
The austerity measures have crippled these countries leaving a death waste of land and people – none can recover under this regime
As they go down, so other European countries will get sucked down in the aftermath…
…The repercussions felt right across the globe, no one will be exempt by the fallout!
It is the financial sectors which are largely responsible for the downfall of so many countries…
…It is their mismanagement that has caused so much distress and where an iron tight fist holds everybody to ransom
There are parts of the UK, which now have another type of money that has been printed…
…which is only held by individuals and small companies who trade only with each other using this money, no banks are involved…
…This currency allows for individuals to buy and sell and is fast growing. It causes no problems and all are satisfied of its worth
Until the financial system and the banks reach an all-time low…
…so that no one will give their money anymore to these institutions, nothing will change
It is Mankind themselves who need to now make this new transition and believe in another type of currency…
…that is outside the financial sector, but can still be used to buy things
The people of the UK and other countries can with time remove themselves from this global stranglehold, which is in permanent deadlock…
…Until everything finally collapses nothing can ever change
Money overtime becomes worthless. It already counts for very little…
…Another way will emerge and a better understanding of what is really right can be achieved
All life is sacred, however in the Middle East life is so cheap some people are considered below cattle status, cattle you can at least eat!
Only when compassion starts to materialise towards our fellow man will situations change and hope between each other is reached
Even in the poorest of countries help is obtained. The Universal energies always find just enough to keep one going
To believe Mankind is lost is a naïve concept. Man must forever learn from his mistakes and take the next positive step the change it
Too much pain and too much suffering have blighted this world…
…Understand that Mankind must develop and no longer allow itself to remain in the darkness of ignorance
To remain stagnant in the old ways of life is to say the world can change, but I never can…
…In order for positive outcomes to occur, then a positive and rightful stance has to be implemented
See Egypt come into its own once again. The hardliners of the protestors will see that fair elections must be implemented
The Egyptian military cannot afford anymore reprisals as they will have reneged on their deal and won’t ever be trusted again…
…They will be forced by the people to deliver proper elections that will represent all aspects of Egyptian society
Egypt can lead the way for the continued Arab Spring. Their motives are…
…all can live together in a safe secure environment. Let Egypt show the way to the world
Afghanistan now is coming to realise they must get their own house in order…
…To bring about stability, all factions of the tribes must aid each other and be in full support of their people
While Afghanistan effectively allows Pakistan to keep interfering, playing all sides against each other…
…they rule and Afghanistan further loses again
Wake up tribal leaders. Learn to work together and become a self-made nation…
…While continued hatred fuelled by the forces which Afghanistan have systematically allowed, there can be no peace
Where there is no peace, disruption, famine, pain and further suffering occurs
Join the 21st century. Put aside past agonies. Enter into a new phase of living and trading together…
…Are you wise or are you small-minded still?
Mankind likes to see itself as liberal in so many ways – that we have all finally come out of the caves of barbarism…
…The truth is the opposite – ignorance still remains
When the world puts human life above money, then and only then will Mankind have a stake in the world’s future
Mankind should learn from the Animal Kingdom, where there is a common law and…
…all work together to abide by that law, so that species can survive and live together
Pakistan and India will sit down and negotiate an understanding of the disputed territory around the Siachen Glacier
Both countries came close some years ago to reach an agreement…
…A situation then occurred rendering that agreement null and void and nothing has been sorted out since
Now the old war dogs are older and wiser and it is through this wisdom that a renewed settlement can be reached…
…allowing for full reassurances on both sides – the time is right
The suspected poisoning of 100 schoolgirls in northern Afghanistan will not succeed…
…Women/girls want education, so as to be freed from the oppression of male dominance
There is injustice around the world over the suppression of women, but women are now fighting back…
…They are taking the initiative and will not stop until their demands are heard and implemented
To think that countries can continue to suppress the lives of women in the 21st century is not only naïve, but foolhardy
Women from every corner of the world are uniting with one common voice, “We are equal to men and makeup half of the world’s population”…
…These voices will be heard and changes are being fought for and won
The Human Rights of many Bahraini people will be swept away as an iron tight grip will come in in the light of the weekend’s Grand Prix
How can America justify the increased holding by China of US debt by allowing more US bonds to be taken up by them?
The firmer the grip by the China over US money will see a dangerous tipping point, where Americans can justifiably feel sacred
America will wake up one day and be in shock. America is at risk of being owned by another country
America was once colonised by the British and the French…
…well, the Chinese are coming. This is not a joke. It is not done openly, but done by stealth!
Mr Sarkozy is not keen to relinquish power, something he can understand regarding Libya and Syria…
…Power is addictive, so to maintain the status quo he will need to bring something special out of the bag
He is a keen politician and knows how to get his way…
…However the French people need a new face to represent them and he is no longer flavour of the month
The Israelis are flexing their muscles again regarding the cancellation of a flight from Manchester to Israel…
…for a week of conferences in Bethlehem to be attended by a Scottish pro-Palestinian group
To live with the continued fear that Israel has, it is surprising there are so many people who wish to live in Israel…
…Perhaps they should move to safer areas of the world like the North Pole and leave the rest of the world to try and live together?
The situation in Syria will see an interruption of the UN monitors. Everything is unstable, like a powder keg about to blow up at any moment
Bashar al-Assad will not give up without a fight regardless of pressure from outside. Russia will have no influence over this regime
The Sudanese Government will see their strategy curbed as a new offensive will have startling results…
…of which the Government will have no answer
The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will start to retackle this dysfunctional country by seeing life in a different way for his people
The North Koreans are still starving and so a new policy to feed his people is now being dealt with
Kim Jong-un wishes to turn around the fortunes of his people bringing a stability to the country not seen in decades
There are so many individuals, especially doctors, often working alone and in isolated conditions…
…with little or no resources, who tend to people in war-torn countries
These individuals are the true healers, the true heroes of this world. They perform a vital service between life and death
Their day to day struggle in keeping this amazing work going is a true reflection of the spiritual forces of love that supports their cause
See another uprising in Tibet, as more monks set themselves on fire. Their protests are being heard and pressure is now gathering momentum
Formula 1’s governing body has confirmed the Bahrain Grand Prix will go ahead…
…See clashes and mayhem in the streets. It won’t go as straightforwardly as they think
People’s enjoyment in sport and all the money that goes with it…
…cannot ever be enjoyed against a backlash of frightened and suppressed people, whose rights are in question
Formula 1 must try to understand that no amount of greedy money will bring happiness or pleasure on the backs of so much misery…
...A lesson they need to learn
Greece and Spain will further fall leaving a great chasm of lost revenue…
…When will the European Central Bank realise nothing can change until new banking systems are in place
The world pollution to this Earth is having devastating results…
…Crops fail due to severe drought. Tropical storms kill both life and vegetation
How to deal with man’s inexhaustible need to throw away plastics, metals and poisonous solutions, which are harming our earth’s systems?
To go back to the old ways of having natural products must be thought of, as new technology is now finding out…
…but others throughout the world are slow to act
For all those in the British Government, who are so fond of pulling down their Prime Minister…
…start to see and acknowledge he is out there fighting for jobs for the people of this country
For all those British people, who think it is so easy fighting for jobs to save the British public…
…perhaps they should try it before anymore criticism is given
David Cameron, for all his faults and naivety at times, does actually care for Britain and would like to see it great again…
…not for him, but for the British to feel proud again
Everybody is fighting for survival. It is getting the right people with the necessary expertise to have a free hand to get on with the job
See more businesses and more investments flood into this country this year and I am not wrong!
A new UN resolution to sort out diplomatic affairs with China and the West will see a greater autonomy being reached between the two sides
When Mankind starts to be fair and brings injustice into line by all nations, then peace will start to be a part of everyday life
It is Man’s double standards of money, greed and power for themselves, which fuels the fire of hatred throughout the world
Every country is responsible, none are exempt. All Governments must now take full responsibilities for their actions…
…It is not for the innocent to pay the price. It is the perpetrators that must account for their deeds
How is it fair that one man who kills another gets jail for that murder? …
…A politician, like Tony Blair and President Bush of mass murder, can go free to walk this land?
The Universal Laws state that all men who cut short the life of another will all receive their just desserts be it in this world or the next
No one, no matter how powerful they are in the world, the guilty will be confronted by their deeds…
…They already know in their hearts the innocent they have sent to their graves
See North Korea come under extensive pressure from China and the West regarding their rocket launch
The Chinese are already exercising an iron tight grip, but North Korea is like the belligerent child…
…it must play with its toys when it wants to
The ploy to launch this rocket as a 100th birthday celebration of their former dictator is not fooling anyone…
…They want to flex their military muscles and so any excuse will do
Again Pope Benedict utters his speeches to the world. They are as hollow as his intentions…
…While the displaced Syrian people are in dire need of humanitarian relief, he does nothing
Let the Vatican coffers be open and give to the poor of these war torn countries…
…He should practice some Christianity after all it is Easter, otherwise when!!!
We, as people, can establish our own church, our own codes of conduct…
…for they are inherently there in our subconsciousness from the day we were born
Like a tiny baby instinctively knows when and how to suckle at its mother’s breast, so we instinctively know what is right, wrong and just
We must learn to attune ourselves with the Universal Intelligence where all our codes of conduct come from. There we will find our right way
The Path of Enlightenment always opens up when we are ready to listen and to accept it…
…It will resonate clearly with us and will not require any form of explanation
Millions are saved daily by this true intelligence when God speaks to us and shows us the way. We all follow naturally into safety
All those who do not wish to hear will remain in the Darkness of Ignorance and in constant distress…
…Open your hearts, so peace may enter in – your lives then change forever
For those who believe in Jesus Christ as a man or a great prophet…
…his main purpose on Earth was to preach love, fairness for all and survival of bodily death
His resurrection was the greatest statement on this Earth to show all Mankind that we do rise up from physical death
No one individual can take on the sins of another – that is a misconception
By Spiritual Law we all are accountable for our own misdeeds!
The Churches hide away from the truth – they continue to live the lie
Many priests are aware of the falsehood of the Church’s teachings and so are leaving in droves
When Mankind can start to think for himself and not be blinded by indoctrination then…
…and only then, will Mankind be able to take full responsibility for their actions
Science today has full documented evidence of survival after death. Research has been long and extensive…
…For all those who wish to think outside the box can see this evidence
Then, armed with these facts, can adjust their lives to living in the right way…
…which is to help your fellow man, spread love and compassion throughout your existence upon this earth
Until the wold recognises that the Syrian Government will not relinquish its power…
…then an alternative force, which is supported by the world, needs to be implemented
How many people have to die before an end to this regime comes about? ...
…By doing nothing, we all have blood on our hands. Diplomacy cannot take hold in this monstrous regime
Bashar al-Assad has no fear. He has full contempt of his people. Power is his only religion, his right to be!
Until the Catholic Church starts to understand it has been for decades out of touch with its people…
…the people continue to do as they please no matter what the Pope says
Contraception is not allowed by the Catholic religion, yet is practiced behind closed doors and has been for years
Catholic priests and bishops have relationships with women, again behind closed doors…
…Until the Catholic Church moves with the times the moving away of its parishioners will continue to grow
Until the Catholic Church recognises Jesus’s marriage, its antiquated philosophy will eventually destroy it
As predicted Norway’s Anders Behring Breivik is not mad. He claims he did all the murders and is willing to go in history to this fact
The Norwegian Courts will try him as a sane man
See further collapses of markets, which struggle to rally round. They are all in a sinking zone
No financial institutions can rectify the damage while all remain on sinking sands
Politicians, banks and the markets all have to learn the hard way before matters can be resolved
Never will they be believed again. They have had their day. They must at last do right by the people!
To accept love into our hearts and minds is to realise that we need to live…
…because without love we cannot live, but barely exist and that would be in a feeble way only
Abuse in the home is commonplace. Many souls are literally destroyed by the actions of their parents
How they behave to us will determine how we turn out in life – a daunting prospect indeed
With self-education we can come to terms with our pain and rise up again. With love and the true acceptance of love we are all healed
As predicted, a landslide victory for Aung San Suu Kyi. She her emerge as a future President. Her voice heard loud and clear
She not only speaks for the people of Burma, she speaks for the people of the world. True Democracy is the will of all the people
Dictatorship is no longer being tolerated and the people of this world will be heard. The momentum is growing universally!
Until the Catholic Church cleans up its mess on child abuse they cannot ever be taken seriously again…
…so their congregations will continue to fall
Aung San Suu Kyi’s growing impetus for the people of Burma will see her elevated to a new position of strength and notoriety
As predicted the European Central Bank are now seeing their position as hopeless. The Euro is still in free-fall
Nothing can be sorted out until it reaches rock bottom
Until the Jewish people acknowledge, there will be no peace until Palestine is fully recognised by the entire world
Jews stole that land and, as a result by Spiritual Law, will have no profit from it. The lives of their people will have to pay for it
The whole world knows what they have done. Do the Jews think the world is that naïve? All must learn to live in harmony…
…That can only be done when justice is formed
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