See a walk out of Parliament as Greece’s economic iron tight grip is brought to bear
There will be more uprising as the full weight of the Law is relentless in their actions
George Osborne’s budget will be seen in time as a masterpiece to this country’s recovery. The opposition will have to eat their words!
For politics to survive in any country there has to be honesty, so even the blind can see what is being done in their name
See Egypt transcend into a new Government with limited authority. It will be a fledgling state that will eventually grow
Christine Lagarde will fight for the right for countries to further benefit from the IMF hand outs
Her role is to see fair play, but her hands are limited under the weight of the economic crisis
George Osborne will see a breakthrough in events showing his policies will bring about a recovery that although slow is effective
His critics will step down as movement by the markets will carry him through – a very courageous man indeed
The Euro will further shake as more is taken off its value. It cannot sustain this onslaught. See it fold in time
Spain and Portugal will see further interests imposed on their economy as the Euro further bites
This currency will default on so many and a newer objective in time will need to be sorted out
Germany will have to back away from this huge responsibility. It is now cracking under the strain
The German people no longer have the stomach for it and revolts of a minor kind will show
Italy’s economic structure will split in two. Mario Monti will need further time to bring in a new economic policy…
…The situation is far graver than he imagined
Start to see the strange relations happening in Syria as mounting pressure begins to bite
The Egyptian revolution to step up its action against military rule, there will be a further breakdown in operations
The army to stand down, it cannot hold its offensive
The Israeli Prime Minister is up in arms as Jewish settlements get out of control
Pressure on Israel to bring in the Palestine situation into question is ever increasing
A bandit state will operate until the World recognises the plight of Palestine and reforms by force what Israel has so greedily acquired
America cannot control the monopoly on Israel. This is unacceptable. Countries will speak out against this mandate
Ayatollah Ali-Khamenei is causing a backlash to world leaders as warnings of a new revolt internally is pressing forwards
Their Iranian uranium plant is systematically failing as they cannot stabilise this highly volatile substance…
…Causes for concern are being broadcast internally
See them lash out at the World again. This smokescreen has been used too often now to become effective
Egyptians will force through a completely new government. Their voices will be heard
The army will take time to climb down. Many still will die in the affray
See the grip of change fasten even stronger. Their resolve is unabated. The people will see their country free from the control of tyranny
See emergency talks in England to restructure the banking system as another major bank falls by the wayside
Nothing can stop this financial crisis until Governments are literally brought to their knees. Only then will they be forced to do something
Cameron and Clegg will be able to turn this monetary policy around, once they are aware of what really needs to be done
They cannot afford to keep their heads in the trough. They will need to act soon
For the Egyptian deadlock to be broken won’t take long. They will enjoy free elections amidst a barracking that cannot be avoided
Peace will finally be restored and a calming of troubled waters, a final relief to all
See a new President elect come from nowhere. A true crusader for the people of this war torn country
A breakthrough in harsh negotiations between Bashar al-Assad and the Arab League will curb his oppressions
He has lost the fight of having the upper hand. His regime is already in chaos as many in his army are already backbiting
The Syrian Army wish to see Assad removed. They themselves are working out a plan of action to help overthrow him
He has lost the moral high ground and all is acid around him
David Cameron is a truly worried man. Our own safety will depend on a reverse of strategy, which will be forced on George Osborne
The price for survival for the British people is to hold tight as new policies to sort out this economy will prevail
See strike action against the Unions be quashed as there is growing concerns that backlash will occur
The people of Great Britain are not for strikes. Their voices will be heard!
A forced abdication for Bashar al-Assad. He is caught in a cleft stick with nowhere to turn
His own army will set matters in motion to arrest him when they can
Bashar al-Assad’s spies are infiltrating army defectors and will seize key operations
This will, over time, prove futile as the opposition’s strength and intelligence is now growing
To see a motion carried out in the Senate will please the American people. A gathering of further advancement now is in order
See the American people start to fight for their President. They are starting to believe in his wisdom
President Obama to instigate further fiscal changes, a full mandate to operate very soon
Look now to the skies where meteorites collide together bringing in a display of clashing stars or a meteor shower
A new European monetary policy, which has not yet reached the table, will be given…
…It will streamline banking operations and put an end to reckless actions
The global financial markets will further fall until they start to realise they can no longer continue in this way
New legislation to curb market policies and to put an end to how it is being conducted now!
The Greek fiasco carries on…
…The present Government cannot reconcile itself to the future cuts needed. Chaos and rioting on the streets once again
Italy’s new formed Government is too thinly spread with too much opposition. They will come under attack from Germany
To bring down Italy’s debt this government must go and go quickly
It has to defragment and start again with key politicians in key roles, no matter what party they are from
It has to be the right person for the right job
Inspite of all this Italy’s economic situation will further fall. It cannot sustain this level of debt
President Obama will have a field day in the Senate. A reform bill which has been dragging its feet will go ahead
Obama has now finally turned a massive corner and Republicans are actually coming out in force for his reforms
New theories towards his own actions and policies are now biting hard. He has no real opposition as their strength is now waning
Man has to learn to put his ego aside for the greater good of humanity. Until that day happens the World remains in crisis
The Italian fiasco cannot be sorted out and a further plunge by the markets will occur
See Greece fall to its lowest level, bankruptcy staring them in the face. No bail out can save them anymore
The Syrian people starting now to gather momentum to take the initiative. An Arab country will come to the people’s rescue. The fight is on!
See new life blood of arms and artillery going into Syria. Those people will be avenged
A bloodless coup as the tyrant is removed. The warming up of that faction now in sight
To be awake in a sleep state of ignorance is not helpful while all around is crashing down and one feels powerless to do or say anything
World leaders have to admit on a very high scale indeed their mistakes…
…which have systematically brought their people to the brink of bankruptcy
They will have to admit to their people that they were not fit to govern and it is their heads which should role…
…and not the innocent people of this World
Shame will be brought to bear and every banker that has cheated his customers will finally lose all that he has gained
All who have run away from the truth of their misdeeds will be answerable to a Higher Power. There will be no let up and that time is now!
Peace to come to Syria once President Assad has finally been removed. His reign of terror will end abruptly
To see the light of change occurring in the Middle East is a sight for sore eyes. Every day is a step closer to reforming these countries
The Higher Intelligence moves in mysterious ways and even the Israelis cannot battle their way against it!
For the world to finally get a grip on their conscience is to see Mankind for the first time in a different light
To become humble and compassionate, to do the right thing by all first, before the self
Then and only then can there ever be a saving of this world. All must reap what they have sown
Only those who are truly spiritual in their behaviour will be saved and that will be self evident!
To open up a bank account with any assurity that you will get your money back is becoming a thing of the past
New regulations to safeguard the people’s banking arrangements will need to be put in place as money becomes worthless
See instability all around until Mankind comes to his senses and starts to preserve life over finance
The Greek fiasco carries on – a divided Government that cannot rule until fresh elections are properly formed
See Greece fall. Its thunderous sounds being heard all around the Globe
Greece will systematically bring Europe and the entire banking world in chaos. No country is safe anymore!
Look now to the passing of time and see that through the world chaos a Greater Intelligence is working
This Intelligence brings together changes on many levels...
…to return to the humanitarian basis that all life is sacred and should be used in that way
The people’s lives evolving where they have to see their own minds changing from a static position of the self…
…and a realisation that every man needs another to survive
The Stock Markets are out of control and they are witness to a chaotic market. Never in their lifetime will they feel so unbalanced
They do not realise that they have played an enormous part in the contributory factors of this game
They will be subsequently neutralised, a position they have not been in before. It is the only way they will learn
Their roles have messed up so many people’s lives and they will have to answer now sharply with their jobs
See Stock Markets further crash, there is no revival at this stage until they begin to listen their arrogance has taken them too far already
President Assad will be court-martialed in time. He is already on shifting sands. His policies are no longer heeded by his people
The Syrian people and ex-militia now gathering together towards a united front for liberty to its people
Assad’s puppet rule is no more. Its walls are crumbling with every day. His people now gathering strength, they are unstoppable
Justice for Syrian’s people overrides all their fear now
Help for them comes in from the strangest sources and the people are grateful
As the marketplace fully shifts to another way of working and rebuilding, so shock and horror will ensue
The people of this world to start to learn about survival in a different way
It will be totally foreign to them, but it will return to basic laws of the land
The children of the developed world will see their status growing smaller as all their wants and desires will amount to nothing
Survival is a subject most have not learned yet. Food is the currency
Italy to break its agreement and will try to find another solution. Its banks are already broken
Berlusconi will seek talks with his own Government to try to resolve matters. All are lost in a sea of their own undoing
Prime Minister David Cameron will quit G20 in disgust. His position is seen as very weak indeed
He has no point of view worth considering now
Look now for a further solution to stop the Euro falling, all is inadequate. They have all failed and the people will have their say
Until the entire monetary situation is completely overhauled globally nothing can be settled
See the confidence further fall as the stock markets will be completely wiped out. All those who have invested will lose the lot!
President Obama, on the edge of a revolt within his party, will settle an outstanding agreement there by shutting the door once and for all
He is now turning the screws much harder and his new policies will see firm results in a very short time
The Israeli question – America must come out and be seen to come out on the side of righteousness and not keep falling into the Israeli trap
It can no longer afford to be seen to have these double standards…
…The opening will be shown and they must take up the sword of righteousness in order to gain worldwide credibility
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