Wednesday, 20 January 2016


15th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Love is the essence of all things new and exciting”

“Man must realise he is no longer alone and to recognise the guiding hand in his life has always been there”

“Great feats of achievement become necessary, as the guiding light takes Mankind onto new discoveries in so many ways”

“We all must look at how many times we have been saved and to acknowledge that it could not have happened by our will alone”

“But by a Higher Authority than us, to whom we give little credence”

“It is high time that we open up our eyes and see what is truly around us and to appreciate the hand of God in all creations”

“Until we come to realise this guiding light, we will continue to fall and stumble throughout our lives”

“We never appreciate that help is there for all of us. We only have to ask”

“Learn to live in the now and see the many advantages coming to you at every given moment”

“We are always seen and always blessed and saved whenever the need arises”

“We are the Creator’s blessings and we need nothing more, but to be in the power of that love!”

14th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The deliverance of Man is by his hand alone”

“He needs to think on what he has done throughout his life and to see where he can put matters right and in the proper way”

“It is Mankind’s intransigence to keep on pursing the same path regardless of the consequences of their actions”

“These are the problems of the world today”

“To keep on faltering and never asking why is not only foolish, but irresponsible”

“We all of us have to stop and think what is important and how we go about it”

“Nothing is ever the same. All is in constant change and influx”

“We have to look at each problem/situation as different and how we can go about it”

“Most people go through life like sheep, never thinking that they have a chance to put matters right or change the course of direction”

“Until we can see we are individuals and can change for the better, we will consistently carry on regardless in our blind and hapless way”

“Love is the prime accelerator here to make a difference to all our lives”

“We must put that at the heart of all that we do and think”

“With love, right action is given and situations always then turn for the better”

“It is now that we will see that difference and continue to have a better more peaceful and productive life”

11th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Tennis star Andy Murray has raised more than £83,000 for the charity UNICEF through his Andy’s Aces initiative”

“Last September Andy Murray won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award & he said he would donate £50 every time he hits aces on court”

“This has proved most successful and together with his sponsors, who have matched the same amount, they have raised £83,000”

“Andy Murray was moved by the terrible situation in Syria”

“He vowed to support the charity UNICEF for their enormous efforts in this war torn country”

“Murray’s sponsors are Standard Life and Under Armour together with the Lawn Tennis Association”

“Also the Association of Tennis Professionals, who matched every £50 donation”

“UNICEF said the donations will allow the organisation to provide for over 16,000 children with blankets”

“UNICEF’s UK Executive Director said all of us are incredibly grateful to Andy for his continued support”

“With almost five years into this conflict & no sign yet of it abating, more is always needed for the humanitarian needs of so many children”

“The children in Syria have lost everything and this goes a little way into making their pitiful lives a little bearable”

“What needs to be done is enormous political global pressure put on Syria to end the conflict”

“They must allow the Syrians to go back to their homes and rebuild their lives”

“A whole generation has been lost and there is nobody other than the charities to pick up the pieces”

“It is time the world’s governing bodies started doing what all human beings do and that is help one another”

“Little has been done for the Syrian people and so the world just sits back and looks on. It refuses to get involved”

“We are all human beings and deserve a life. It is our job to see that this conflict is ended and peace finally is restored”

“It means that other countries cannot expect to gain for their own interests…”

“…but to allow for a humanitarian situation to be the greater need here”

10th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The coming together of strong decisive politicians, who can make a difference to Mankind, is what is now happening”

“It will be a conscious effort to allay any more fears of mismanagement regarding worldwide affairs”

“For too long Mankind has rested on his laurels and expected the Higher Powers to make the decisions for them”

“There is a growing impetus that unless something is done at the ground roots, nothing gets done”

“See the little countries come on board, where their say so matters in the interests of all”

“Now a complete swing away from the atrocities of this world into a more peaceful decade is predicted”

“Mankind will seek a Higher Authority to bring back wisdom into the affray of chaos and discord”

“Mankind is now willing to see an alternative to the bombing and mayhem caused by an erratic few”

“Safeguards will be put in place and a greater understanding of Mankind’s needs upon this earth plane is being rectified as we speak”

“No longer can Mankind ignore what is under their noses”

“They have chosen to turn a blind eye to those in need and who are suffering great hardship”

“Now the new strategy will be born and upsets from the past rectified and put to rest”

“Mankind owes it to themselves to become obedient to the Laws of Righteousness”

“Mankind must finally realise the consequences of their actions, where failure to respond in times of crisis have left a bloodstained land”

“Their intransigence has left its mark and it is now time to make amends”

“Mankind must put aside their foolish ways if peace is to be restored at all”

9th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“See a different landscape of events now approaching this world and finance”

“New laws to curb the spending banks and financial institutions, which are still not in place, are now being implemented”

“The common man in the street is being given more choice to exercise his right to his own finance”

“Here many restrictions are now being lifted”

“See Mankind further being given a better exchange for his money”

“Bankers will see their own salaries reduced”

“Then a greater distribution of wealth is transported down to the lower ranks for their hard work”

“No longer will the higher institutions of banking and finances cream off the wealth that they feel they are entitled too”

“The world is now shifting and money is being distributed more evenly, more exactly and where the people for once can benefit”

“Many Government officials will see their funds wiped out, as their corrupt ways will be exposed to the masses”

“They will have nowhere to hide”

“Mankind will operate under a different scheme and where their say matters”

“The power of the people speaking with one voice now!”

8th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As the people of the world come to terms with their shortcomings, many things will change for them”

“Financial squeeze on many aspects, both nationally and internationally, will see many banks broken up and smaller ones take their place”

“The United Nations is to undergo a massive revamp programme”

“They will need to address longstanding issues and make amends for past disgraces”

“A new important hierarchy to sweep clean all the old rhetorical issues and where firm policies will be introduced”

“They will be administered, almost immediately, to bring about positive results and positive responses to matters, which need overhauling”

“Everything will be swift acting and will demonstrate that they will have a proper say in how things are run globally at long last”

“The people of the world to come to respect this almost dysfunctional organisation once again!”

6th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Australian scientists have found a way to reduce the devastating impact of Australia’s deadly Cane Toads”

“The scientists have managed to train wild monitor lizards, which are known as “Goannas”, not to eat the toxic Cane Toads”

“By introducing a less toxic Cane Toad, they have found that the lizards have retained the knowledge”

“They survived in the presence of the high density of Cane Toads”

“This has never happened in the wild before”

“Cane Toads were introduced to Australia in the 1930’s to control the sugar cane pests”

“However they multiplied at such a devastating rate that they wiped out much of Australia’s wild life”

“The hardest hit was the Yellow-Spotted Monitors; their population has been wiped out by 90%”

“When the Cane Toads invade an area, the yellow and black spotted reptiles feast on these toads and within thirty seconds they are dead”

“These reptiles were fine before the invasion of the Cane Toads, which saw the reptiles nearly being wiped out of the landscape”

“The scientists are now quietly confident that their methods are securing the lives of the other lizards & the continent’s animals as a whole”

“A rebalancing of nature with scientific instruction is finally on the way”

5th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As peace will start to emerge in the Middle East, it will be hard fought for”

“All the turmoils of the past few years are being modified and, in some cases, eliminated”

“New strategies on peace conferences, which will be abided by the majority & secured, will be shown as outline for a greater peace strategy”

“Anybody, who once thought that peace could not exist in this volatile environment, will see that they were wrong!”

“A greater sense to do what is right is being grafted into law”

“Here all who believe in a Greater Intelligence to oversee them will see this proven to them”

“No longer can Mankind go through blindly”

“All must now take personal responsibility for their actions, so that peace can be restored in a proper orderly way”

4th January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Marsha Small has used ground breaking radar to survey beneath the cemetery on the Chemawa Indian School campus near Salem, Oregon”

“As Marsha worked she prayed to the children in these graves”

“Even though she used her Northern Cheyenne language, which would have been foreign to the children buried in the earth”

“These children were brought to the school from reservations and their tribal lands throughout the western US”

“Small, 56 years, conducted the survey using the ground penetrating radar as part of her master’s thesis research at Montana State University”

“In the school’s historical records, Small found autograph books from the 1890’s where children wrote to each other private messages”

“One said “Please remember me when I’m in the grave.” This was written by a boy called Danny Boone to his friend”

“She completed her thesis “A Voice for the Children of Chemawa Cemetery” last year”

“Reports have indicated that there were hundreds if not thousands of unmarked burial sites at Chemawa”

“They were one of the last Government run Indian Boarding Schools”

“The Government and Church run boarding schools were created under the infamous “Kill the Indian, save the man,” approach”

“It was a forced assimilation of the Native American population through the elimination of their language, customs and culture”

“By 1926 Government officials estimated there were more than 86% of Native American children attending these schools”

“The children were forced away from their families and their ancestral lands. They suffered brutal physical, sexual and emotional abuse”

“There they were converted to Christianity and coerced into abandoning their indigenous culture”

“These children were buried in an unknown land with an unknown prayer”

“The Government records show epidemics of tuberculosis, trachoma and influenza due to overcrowded dormitories at these boarding schools”

“So many of these children were taken away from their parents, who never saw them again”

“The president of The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition says…”

“…“There is a lot of grieving still left to be done in our communities from these boarding schools””

“It is these unmarked graves, which are now shedding a light on America’s best kept secret of abuse towards Native communities”

“The disgrace is only now fully being explored, as with all things suppressed, truth will always come out”

3rd January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The greatest curse for Mankind is fear. The greatest panacea for it is love with all that it entails”

“Love is the essence of forgiveness, of compassion and of right thinking and action”

“It obliterates any form of hardship, pain and suffering and is the basis of all that is good and holy”

“Mankind is in great need of healing and love, where security and peace of mind is always there”

“When one starts to believe in the Afterlife, knowing that all are saved through the Creator’s Divine Love…”

“…then a transformation occurs that brings about everlasting peace and understanding”

“Mankind becomes saved and is able to conduct his/her lives in a better way”

“All that appears in deadlock is suddenly transformed and a greater way is shown, which sits right with Man’s conscience and wellbeing”

“Love transforms all of us and the need for it is never greater than it is today in this century!”

2nd January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The new beginnings this year will be able to transform everybody’s lives for the better”

“Much hardship and mayhem will be broken down and where people are able to see salvation, which was not there before”

“Release the past, embrace the new beginnings and see lives being transformed along the way”

“Hardship will dissipate and a smother life is realised”

“Gone are the dark clouds and Man begins to make his peace with himself”

“No more will he be contained in a stranglehold of fear”

“Long-lasting relief is brought to all those who cherish the guiding intelligence, which surrounds them always”

“Love is the basis of all healing and all salvation”

1st January 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“May this New Year be the start of much personal development and massive changes in personal thinking”

“We all must change to the Spirit of the Lord and seek a better life, where love and compassion to the multitudes is the order of the day”

“No longer can we be content to harm and destroy others to bend to our will, which does know better”

“Mankind’s arrogance that it is he who knows best for this planet is naïve and stupid at best”

“The Higher Intelligence is being sought by so many and this is rapidly growing”

“This New Year will see the changes in Mankind’s thinking occur”

“Stability and peace is the order of the day”

“Compassion towards our fellow man is of paramount importance if we are all to survive”

“See massive changes domestically and globally”

“Man must now see the Hand of God directing situations beyond his control for the betterment of humanity”

“That time is now and ongoing!”

Friday, 1 January 2016


31st December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

"A lawsuit has been filed in the US court, seeking to stop non-profit groups from sending billions of dollars’ worth…”

“…of tax-exempt donations to support illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli army”

“A group of American citizens filed the suit on the 21st December against the US Department of the Treasury”

“They claim that 150 non-profit groups have sent an estimated $280bn to Israel over the past two decades”

“The lawsuit claims the donations were “passed throughs” and “funnels” to support the Israeli army”

“They also supported the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories”

“In the US Internal Revenue Code, these organisations are identified as “501(c)(3)””

“Donors are given tax-exempt status and allowed to claim a tax deduction on their gift”

“Sheldon Adelson, an American casino magnet and several other wealthy pro-Israeli businessmen were named in the lawsuit”

“They are named as donors, but not as defendants”

“The Treasury Department has declined to comment on this suit, as they do not comment on pending litigation”

“Susan Abulhawa is a Palestinian-American writer and human rights activist”

“She has put her name to the 73 page lawsuit and is seeking justice for the Palestinian people”

“She wants organisations that aid Israel to be forced to pay restitution for the victims impacted by these actions”

“The lawsuit claims that non-profit groups directly contribute to the violations of US Law and International Law”

“They also subvert US foreign policy and contribute to countless crimes and human rights violations against Palestinians”

“For thirty years the US taxpayer has been funding and/or subsidising criminal activities overseas”

“This incorporates murder, arson, malicious property destruction, assault & battery, ethnic cleansing and international terrorists’ acts”

“It is now time that the US Department of the Treasury should end the tax exemption”

“They should recoup hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes”

“This lawsuit looks to hold accountable the tax exempt entities by revoking their non-profit status”

“This lawsuit says “these charities” agenda is to rid the West Bank and East Jerusalem of all non-Jews”

“These atrocities have taken place at will…”

“…because of the Treasury’s abject and longstanding failure to monitor and prevent these criminal activities for the last thirty years”

“The Obama administration and every administration before 1967…”

“…see settlement activity as illegitimate and counterproductive to the cause for peace”

“Yet it continues to fund Israel and therefore allows indirectly that Israel acts with impunity while America looks on”

“The hypocrisy is overwhelming and exhausting”

“The whole world looks on America with disgust, but what do they care of world opinion?”

“They haven’t done so up to now as Israel always controls them!”

30th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Nobody is alone, even if they think they are”

“Evidence of help and support is always given at the appropriate time of need”

“Never think we, as humans, are solitary”

“We all belong to the massive group soul that is joined to the Universal Intelligence and therefore helped and guided each and every day”

“Know that love surrounds us all and is freely given”

“It cannot be dissipated, as the Creator’s love surrounds us all for all time”

“We are all in the process of being shifted to a higher source of intelligence, whereby trust in our Creator is there”

“It evolves with each passing day”

“We all have an innate knowing and when we allow ourselves to have a still mind revelations on an extraordinary kind are given”

“We are at one then with our Creator”

29th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“A group of children in the Indian capital of Delhi are bringing out a quarterly newspaper highlighting the Voice of Children”

“It is based on children living and working on the streets in India”

“It is the world’s unique newspaper written for the children and by the children, who work on the streets of India”

“Chandni, 18 years old, is the newspaper’s editor and joins in the discussions over the contents of the next edition”

“Its circulation has gone up from 4,000 to 5,500 copies since she took over a year ago”

“The reporters on the newspaper have either been street children or have worked as child labourers in Delhi and the neighbouring states”

“These children were rescued by CHETNA, an NGO that works for the rehabilitation of street children”

“It is estimated that there are more than 10 million children who live on the streets and are forced into slave labour in India”

“Chandni’s life has been a tale of grinding poverty, where children have been robbed of their childhood”

“These children have gone hungry, begged and been abused and forced to work as slaves”

“These children are now writing about their situations”

“It is used as a healing process, where they can start to come to terms with their lives”

“It was the NGO’s programme that enthused Chandni to join a school”

“She was given a modest stipend to keep her from going back to rag picking, which is what she did”

“It is an absolute disgrace of Indian’s Governments, who have consistently failed their people over centuries”

“They completely ignore these people’s human rights, preferring to have nuclear weapons and space programmes”

“While all the time they continue to do little for the children who are the future of India”

“Basic needs, such as education and toilets, are not available for the people of India”

“They still wish respect from the global community, while doing next to nothing for their people”

“Even the basic laws of rape are not fully recognised by the police and courts”

“Women remain second class citizens and children are a non-entity!”

“It is more than a disgrace”

“It is a moral outrage and should be placed at the feet of every Government official that they have neglected their people!”

28th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“In order for Man to accomplish his dreams, he must remain positive in his mind at all times”

“He must walk the path of righteousness to achieve that dream”

“The Higher Intelligence sees all and is prepared to pave the way to make this happen”

“He will allow for a greater understanding in how one must act if they want to achieve their goal”

“Many changes and hurdles need to be mastered, so that the final outcome is assured and maintained to any permanent degree”

“With all the hard work & extensive preparation the permanence once achieved is able to be maintained & then happiness then follows suit”

“The dream then becomes the lasting reality”

27th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world is now finally turning to reason, where the people can no longer put up with corruption and deceit”

“They are speaking out from the pulpits of despair and with much anger the politicians really have no idea”

“As you will see marches after marches on a universal scale not before seen or even heard of, the people’s force for change will be heard”

“Where politicians have fought to keep their promises and failed, they will be no more”

“An acceleration of the will of the people is gathering a fast momentum and the need for change seen as never before in history”

“See People Power right across the world, where more revolutions on every level are being voiced and finally heard”

“No one is safe anymore. Even monarchies will be destroyed if they have not obeyed the will of the people. No one is safe anymore”

“There will not be a direct act that allows privileged people to have a rite in office for all time”

“They must earn their position and not expect any longer to curry favour for a position they do not merit”

“This change of ideas, which has been happening and has been in the pipeline for so long now, is about to explode”

“All will see the repercussions of its might”

“Everybody in this world will have to earn the right to rule”

“Nothing any longer will be taken by force and the people expected to obey ruthless dictators”

“All now is set for change on a mammoth level and all must come up to the plate if they wish to succeed”

“See the Church in much disarray, where top clerics will lose their positions of authority. They will bite the dust and be humbled by it”

“The Almighty will be heard, the Universal Intelligence seen and recognised by all”

“There will be a new world order and it is now unstoppable”

“What the great powers thought was their rite of passage, will see them shrinking into oblivion”

“It will be the people, who stand up strongly and bring about a new equal society from which all can benefit!”

26th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Sudan’s midwives take on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)”

“A school of midwives in eastern Sudan is empowering and educating women and girls about FGM”

“In the eastern Sudan’s Gedaref city, there is a school with a special mission to play a role in eradicating FGM”

“These midwives are known as ‘Qabilat’, which means receivers, as they receive new-borns as they enter this world”

“The director of the Gedaref School of Midwives says they are all community leaders”

“The school was established in 1973 and each year between 50 and 70 students graduate after spending fifteen months studying there”

“These midwives are society’s role models, who educate society and diminish the cultural myth of FGM”

“The midwives are taught how to disinfect their instruments and how to set up the scales for weighing the baby”

“It is vitally important that all their instruments are sanitised whenever they assist in a birth”

“One of the midwives explained that her mother died due to a doctor’s negligence, which led to an infection that took her mother’s life”

“She does not want this to happen to other women, so that their children will grow up motherless”

“In the local community the midwives inform the families’ intent on performing FGM that this is no longer practiced”

“Since the midwifery school opened in 1973 the number of incidents of FGM has dropped”

“Out of 12 counties in Gedaref state only one now officially allows FGM”

“Female Genital Mutilation has almost been abolished in this area”

“In 2006, a Family Health Survey indicated that more than 43% of Sudanese girls between birth and 14 years old had undergone FGM”

“Another survey in 2010 showed the rate had fallen to 37%. In 2014 the percentage then was 32.5%”

“The midwives of Gedaref say this is still not good enough and they want to reduce it to zero percentage”

“Their dedication and love for all women and girls will see them realise their goal and save women from this awful unnecessary practice”

25th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We approach a new wave of thinking and being”

“Many more decisions will have to be made to allow us to adjust our lives accordingly to make it better”

“Until we all raise ourselves out of the negativity of our lives we cannot aspire to anything better”

“We must then be content with the same old upsetting situations”

“The cry for change must come from the individual and it must be their responsibility to accept that change when it comes in”

“None of us live in a perfect world and so all must adjust to the various storms that hit us at any given time”

“It is the strong that survive these storms and who are the most resilient. They are ready for change when it comes in”

“It is for all to accept changes that come into their lives and proceed down the better course outlined, so that we can all finally benefit”

24th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Never fear your futures; all has been taken care of for all the people throughout this world”

“For those whose lives have been cut short, by what others see as a disaster, is in fact a mercy or a blessing to so many”

“It is they that have called out and said that they wish to return home to the Heavens from whence they came”

“For them their time is up. There is no more pain or suffering, just a resignation that their lives were not meaningless”

“They were fulfilled in their own way and now salvation is no longer being recognised as being here on this Earth Plane”

“They wish to return to another more advanced and loving region, where peace and harmony is the order of the day”

“Many will be leaving this Earth Plane this Christmas”

“It will evolve in the bosom of love in their Creator’s hands, because they found that salvation for them is no longer here”

“Our job is to transport them on to their journey of enlightenment and discovery where everything they ever needed is placed before them”

“This way they are at last able to live a life of complete satisfaction instead of a half-life lived on Earth”

“We bless them all and all are safe in God’s care for all time”

23rd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“A bringing together of souls, who are likeminded in their thinking and planning, can create for themselves a wonderful world”

“Their souls all connect on a Divine level, where peace and harmony is the nature of the day”

“The soul’s energies cry out for these people and their interaction is always long term and very fruitful indeed”

“When this interaction occurs every one is energised. They are in a buzz to do more committed things together of a spiritual nature”

“Mother Nature is very much at the heart of what they do to enhance and to safeguard the planet with their healing ways”

“Everything responds to their healing touch”

“Stagnant waters spring back to life and become purified once again with God-given life”

“Fields that were once barren seem to spring back with new plants, all of which are healthy and long lasting”

“Even the air feels fresher when these souls are around. Everything becomes vibrant and alive”

“It is the God-given life that passes through them and makes such a difference to this planet”

“Joy, peace and harmony are restored to this planet and a healthier, more fruitful deliverance comes about”

“When Divine souls unite, massive fundamental changes take place”

“All do benefit from the life force, which is God’s Divine love for us all”

“His plan of action materialises and is everlasting”

“More spiritual souls need to come together to acknowledge the vital work that they do to rebuild this planet”

“They safeguard its structure for human kind and for the generations to come”

22nd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world is opening up to new ideas for peace and prosperity”

“This will come at a huge cost to the world in general”

“There needs to be no-interest deals between nations for all this to happen”

“They need to put the reason for peace at the top of their agenda and not what they want for themselves”

“The United Nations is overdue for a radical restructure, where their hands can no longer be tied”

“They need to be able to adopt peace policies in the right and proper way”

“No longer can they expect to be respected with the amount of failures they have already encountered”

“Their peacekeeping efforts leave a lot to be desired and hypocrisy at the top of the leadership is an absolute sham”

“No longer can the world put up with an organisation that purports peace without doing anything fundamental about it”

“The time has come for a complete overhaul and that time is now!”

21st December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia are working towards a rare direct dialogue

“This is to put an end to the longstanding differences in the volatile Middle East”

“The Shia powerhouse and the Sunni Gulf Kingdom stand on opposing sides”

“Most noticeably in the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen as well as in Bahrain and Lebanon”

“Diplomatic efforts are under way between Iran and Saudi Arabia to prepare the ground for direct dialogue”

“This is aimed at resolving their differences and regional issues”

“This has been announced by the Iranian spokesman Hossein Jaber Anson, who told the AFP news agency”

“There will be a new Saudi Ambassador, who will take up office in Tehran very soon now”

“The previous Saudi envoy has not been in Tehran for more than a year”

“Iran supports the Syrian and Iraqi Governments and provides military advice against armed rebels, mainly IS”

“It is Riyadh who condemns Tehran’s policy and supports armed rebel groups in Syria”

“It is high time that both powers come together to iron out their differences and to find common ground”

“By talking to each other, they will find that in actual fact they are not so far apart as they believe they are”

“Both powers want justice for the Muslim people and to do away with the interference of the US in their affairs”

“They have more things that are unique to them than they ever imagined”

“Provided they can begin to see a beginning, then the long term solutions will come about”

“One has to put pride aside in order to save the Muslim people and others who reside in their countries”

“These powers have the means and the will is now being presented”

“With the wise men that they have on both sides solutions, which before seemed unreachable, will open up and be formed”

“It will be a victorious day for the Middle East to allow for stability to be formed and for God to reign over them all with love”

“To sort out the terrorist aspect and to bring stability on an even footing, this can be realised for all”

“Fear is no longer the objective, security for the entire Middle East is!”

20th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The air in Beijing is so polluted that breathing it does as much damage to the lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day”

“China itself has said that more than 80% of Chinese people, regularly exposed to pollution there…”

“…far exceed levels that are deemed safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency”

“The Chinese Government has set up a nationwide network of sensors and now regularly publishes data online”

“The data from these sensors showed an alarming picture of pollution in the Chinese air that previous satellite data had suggested”

“This air pollution kills about 4,000 people every day”

“The sensors used in the study measure all types of pollution in China, which are the ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and others”

“One of the most dangerous pollutants is PM2.5, which stands for particulate matter that is smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter”

“These small particles enter deep into the human respiratory system and are responsible for a range of harmful, even deadly diseases”

“Every hour of inhaling this, by exposure to pollution, reduces a person’s life by 20 minutes”

“China needs to build ten new megacities with top schools, hospitals and corporate headquarters to ease the strain of Beijing”

“Public services are too concentrated in the capital, so more people flock to Beijing and worsen the pollution”

“After years of denial, China’s politicians have finally woken up to the nations concerns over hazardous air pollution”

“The Government battles pollution caused by the coal burning industry”

“It raises the question, “Has it the ability to clean up its own mess and economy?”

“Beijing pledges to reduce its share of coal in its energy consumption by 60% by the end of the decade”

“How many more people will die in the interim?”

“China’s coal fire power sector is notoriously inefficient and more needs to be done by the Chinese Government”

“They are letting their own people down every day”

“All ages of people are affected and the toll on their health system will become overloaded in time”

“Too many are dying needlessly, because their Government will not do more to deal with these problems”

“They have the deaths of many already on their hands”

“As with all these things, it is the people who must stand up and demonstrate their legitimate concerns”

“Their Government must not get away with slow ineffective measures”

“It is time that the people protested as excuses are no longer listened to, action is the only way forwards”

19th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“People are brought together for a reason to express love and thanksgiving for being a part of this world”

“It is for human kindness, which is the reason why we are all here”

“The strength of Man’s resolve, in being at one with God and nature, is profound”

“We all belong to the great Creation, which sustains our life and what it means to be Holy and complete”

“We must strive to bring about more unity in our thoughts, so that one purpose in life continues to grow”

“It becomes self-perpetuating, so that is we can aspire towards our Creator at the time of physical death”

“Our rebirth into the Heavens is already pre-planned and executed by the Highest Level of Intelligence”

“Whereby, we can continue our paths into a never-ending source of wisdom and learning”

“We strive to become Godlike in our thinking and being”

“All is completed in time; the journey our most precious gift of which we give to ourselves”

“A journey of immense love and union with our Creator forever!”

18th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Peace and goodwill to all men is being recited as we approach this festive season”

“For some it is a very special time, for others not so”

“This year will see a revival of Christmas cheer and where more people will do charitable things”

“The people’s consciousness is being changed and more goodwill is being shared out to fulfil the basic requirements of so many”

“This means that the homeless will be given shelter, warm food and clothes”

“People will come together in an expression of love not seen before in decades and a greater feeling of love with compassion will be shown”

“Everybody is beginning to recognise that being alone in isolation is not the solution & where love crosses all barriers of anger & despair”

“Those that feel left out and afraid will see they are being embraced”

“The support system will now be enforced to bring about real genuine quality of life”

“We collectively are striving together to embrace all the needs of the people”

“Real change with uplifting and life turning effects can at last be realised”

“Love is really being spread around the world now!”

17th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world is beginning to recognise that wars solve nothing and that disaster brings in unnecessary hardship”

“They have no answers for or even the resources to combat the pain and suffering”

“A world consciousness is being formed to renounce wars and corruption on so many levels”

“Until people stand up for their rights and demand change, nothing will be changed”

“Corruption is the greatest killer of society”

“It leads to apathy and despair and kills off any good that might occur, such is the destruction to all”

“There’s so much abuse, so much despair to Mankind & now a collective conscious is occurring to bring balance back into this world of ours”

“The people are now fighting back and the powerful leaders of this world need to face up to their responsibilities”

“Finally they must realise that they can no longer ride roughshod over nations that cannot defend themselves”

“It is the people of the world who demand change and this is now happening”

“Corrupt politicians are being removed by the consensus of the people”

“Huge companies the world over are losing their control, as corruption finally is being exposed”

“They have to live with their own downfall”

16th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The slogan on the streets of South Africa is that President Zuma must go!”

“The country is without a driver and the country is already off the rails”

“President Zuma is completely discredited. He has no credibility or moral authority to those whom he purports to represent and protect”

“The South African crisis is not caused by an individual, but by the entire collective”

“The responsibility must be placed on all those who helped create this crisis”

“Shame on all those who remained quiet and did nothing, while damage was being done to the working classes and the poor”

“President Zuma, the Cabinet and National Executive Committee Members of the ANC must go”

“The 2019 elections need to be brought forward and held in another environment to address the weaknesses incurred”

“The South African electoral system must be changed to allow for the people to vote directly for a president, premiers and mayors”

“Last week President Zuma reshuffled his cabinet removing his finance minister and replaced him with another”

“There was an outcry by the public and the private sectors, so Zuma replaced the new finance minister with yet another one!”

“The anti-Zuma protests are led by the Unite Against Corruption group”

“The people of South Africa protested in the streets of Pretoria, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg”

“They insisted that corruption had worsened in South Africa since Zuma came to power in 2009”

“President Zuma has broken the trust of the nation, because he did not put the nation first as he pledged when he came to power”

“Today the people of South Africa join hands and march against the injustices caused by a self-serving man!”

“It is the people who have the power to overthrow this Government and they will!”

“The people of South Africa are not about black or white, but about unity to reclaim democracy”

“Marches by striking workers and protests by poor communities against a lack of basic services have been going on for decades”

“It is now in recent months that there has been a marked rise in large protests against corruption”

“South Africans feel that Zuma has been reckless with their economy and therefore with their lives”

“The freedom won by Nelson Mandela and his contemporaries 21 years ago has been squandered”

“Zuma does not have what it takes to be a leader of a sophisticated democracy and economy and therefore must go!”