Monday, 1 July 2013


This hostile unforgiving world is now in for a drastic restructure and where the people are now so fed up with what is going on

Politicians can no longer be trusted to deal with Man’s interests, as they only look after their own

There will be drastic changes of Governments throughout the western world the likes that have never been seen before

The people no longer will be putting up with all that is so wrong and corrupt

There will be a new breed of politicians and especially leaders who will do what is right for the people of this world

They will actually put an end to suffering and discourse

Everyone must now learn quickly if we are to save Mankind from mental destruction not before seen on this earth

The immense turmoil and unrest being felt throughout the world is what we have done over generations of not doing the right thing…

…where we are all collectively responsible for world strife and unhappiness

The inequality of the human race is our own fault as we have not addressed these issues over many years

Instead of working peacefully together with our fellow man we have striven to dominate and to bend them to our will

We have subjected them to internal and external hardships and we have called it colonisation

Now because of our foolish lack of the appropriate insight those troubles around the world have come to haunt us

The unrest in the Middle East is a powder keg waiting to explode at any moment

Many world Governments are in panic mode as to how to contain this situation…

…but do not have the reasoning wisdom or the power to deal with it

All are at a loss to deal with these delicate matters

What comes next is a lot of sabre rattling to try and exert some kind of foolish influence to do it their way…

…again instead of looking as to what is best for the region and for the people in general

It is high time that Governments began to learn from their past mistakes and…

...begin collectively to restore balance and justice, not yet seen before

There is no point in saying, “It will cost us to do so”; that is something the world should have learnt before and is now having to learn

Too many lives have suffered under the hand of Governments, who have not done the right thing in this world for the people of this world

The time is now running out

There will be a situation where matters have to be addressed, no matter how painful and how much it will cost

There is no more time!

A retired high ranking US general is under investigation for…

…allegedly leaking classified information about a covert cyber-attack on Iran’s nuclear programme

The Stuxnet virus temporarily disabled Iran’s nuclear programme in 2010

Even the New York Times gave a detailed account last year about the virus

America is being exposed to so many illegal practices that it will soon find the world is more against them than they were to believe

As with Spiritual Law at this time more exposures than at any time of wrongdoing are being revealed

There is nothing now in the world that can stop this happening

Whether you believe in a Higher Intelligence or not is immaterial

It is happening and institutions and Governments the entire world over are finding they are being exposed

The people will not stand for it any longer

There are those who actually have a conscience and have the guts and the courage to stand up and say, “This is wrong”

No longer will the people sit back and turn a blind eye to what is so morally wrong

They will be protected by Spiritual Law and all those who have committed wrongs will be answerable to the people and the world

No excuses will be tolerated anymore

The gutsy tennis played by Britain’s Laura Robson against Russia’s Maria Kirilenko was a truly superb match

The 19 year old, ranked 38 in the world beat the 10th seed in straight sets. The score was 6-3, 6-4

Her composure on the court reflects the new up and coming young players of today

Laura Robson will be an inspiration and a role model to so many young people

This is badly needed today, where lack of self-esteem and confidence in our young people reflect where society have failed them

Laura shows that with hard work and dedication it will reap rewards. Like her example, we must all focus on doing better

Venezuela has said it will consider an asylum application from whistle-blower Edward Snowden

They have stated that someone in the world should stand with the young man and protect him

The revelations he has made with courage serve to change the world

Many whistle-blowers are branded as traitors and despicable

It is hardly ever reflected on the great courage these people have, where their conscience can no longer tolerate this kind of behaviour

The continued wrongs that go unchecked and unreported must be brought to the attention of the masses

Lives have been lost and destroyed because people are allowed to continue to behave badly

Governments should be held accountable for misdeeds that they feel are their right to cover up…

…but it goes against the moral code of what is so categorically wrong

Because wrongs go on for so many years, unchecked and unaccountable, they think it is their right to carry on and nobody will actually mind

Transparency has been a word often used now by Governments and institutions, but little is done to enforce it in a bigger more effective way

The people of the world are so angry of institutions and Governments, whose constant corruption goes unchecked

Power reaps corruption and now the people of the world are standing up and exposing these crimes

One by one, by Spiritual Law, they are being exposed

The whistle-blowers the world over will see that their deeds and courage will be thanked as time goes by

Of course there is always indignation when these situations are exposed

It is almost the audacity that someone might actually not agree with what is morally so wrong

This is the problem that the world is having to deal with these days

The idea of an unlit Olympic torch to be sent into space ahead of the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia is amazing

The Russian Federal Space Agency will take the torch to the International Space Station in early November…

…as part of the four month torch relay

Once in space, two Russian cosmonauts will take the Olympic torch on a spacewalk

The idea to incorporate all aspects of human endurance and space…

…is one that is high on the list of dedication to human endeavour and is an ingenious one

All frontiers of endeavour should be embraced by the torch, which signals enlightenment to all areas of human endurance

Why should space not be included in this amazing feat?

It is after all a triumph of international collaboration and participation as with all things in sport that are good and worthwhile

We, together, are united by this high level of achievement and co-operation

A Giant Panda has given birth to twins in China; the first pair to be born in the world this year according to conservation workers

As Giant Pandas are very few in numbers around the world…

…we are grateful to conservationists who have done a great job in their breeding programme

Otherwise we would have hardly any left at all; their habitat slowly being eroded as bamboo trees are being destroyed for development

We are also grateful, as a human race that the Chinese do not wish to have Panda paws for medicinal reasons or for presents

The army in Egypt has warned it will not allow the country to descend into uncontrollable conflict

President Morsi’s regime continues to be a thorn in the side of almost half of the Egyptian people

He needs to think very carefully about his demands and practices

The Egyptian people are no longer afraid to stand up to tyrants and this time they may find the army is on their side

A thought President Morsi has not considered

As corruption is the main failing of so many Governments and so many in high offices of power it is unsurprising that the Brazilian people…

…are marching in their thousands against a Law change, which limits prosecutor’s powers to investigate corruption

It proves that the Government are not taking corruption seriously enough

It therefore expands the inequality of people who now are outraged and are voicing their concerns

Until people around the world start to bring down their Governments and until they get the transparency they deserve…

…then nobody can believe in their Governments to govern properly!

The naivety of Governments who think they can hoodwink their own people, as their power affects and blinds their minds

They will find they become culpable under the Law and cannot get away with it any longer

The Internet has now opened up so much for so many

No longer is Brazil in the dark, as other countries are also objecting to their own social injustices

The people are now fighting back

President Obama has promised to outline his plan to deal with climate change

It would include measures to reduce carbon pollution and to lead global effects to fight climate change

He is believed to be planning to pass these new measures by executive action…

…meaning he will bypass Congress, as he is being continually blocked by Congress

As stated Obama has said, “We owe it to our children to do what we can”

The wilful neglect by Governments around the world…

…to continually stick their heads in the sand until situations become critical, is brainless

Their old argument is that it costs money

Well, the continuous devastation by severe climatic conditions is already costing nations to pay heavily

Not only in the loss of human lives, but to animals, farm land and infrastructure

Too much destruction to the land has already occurred

There is not a single country on this earth that has not suffered severe climatic conditions with dire consequences

To think it will all go away is to be foolish, as growing destruction year on year is already happening

Nobody knows which area or what part of your country, it will strike next

Marine life suffers and scientists are doing their utmost to protect species which are now endangered due to the rise in sea temperature

It will be again the people around the world, who will have to protest before Governments are forced to take the subject seriously

As the Friends of the Syria group of nations are meeting in Qatar to discuss matters of administering direct military aid…

…to the Freedom fighters, it must be pointed out that unless there is direct dialogue with the Assad Government, little will have effect

Of course the Freedom fighters will be able to claw back some strategic strongholds, but the impasse remains very much the status quo

Therefore it is necessary to bring all factions together where, under protective conditions; all are able to freely speak

A constructive way forward without warring can then be established

Should dialogue be impossible, then it will have to be decided by the majority of the Syrian people

It will be those Freedom fighters, who are representing them, that a way is created for talks to be recognised under international law

That then can carry a heavier weight and a more constructive way forwards…

…to deliver what the people want, which will drive home the initiative to peace

We all must commend that the Philippine Government is now destroying all the confiscated ivory that they have in their possession…

…so that it is not stolen and further sold on, on the black market

It sends out a strong message to the rest of the world that the Philippines will not tolerate illegal wildlife trade…

…so as to protect Africa’s elephants, some of which are now an endangered species

So many are feeling as if they are in a bubble of despair and no matter where they turn to, there is no way out or getting away from it

This bubble is in fact a safety zone…

…where we are encompassed in a spiritual cocoon to give us breathing time for the next course of action we are all meant to take

It is there to allow us this precious time so that matters are put into place so that we as human beings do not mess matters up

We all are in this zone at this time and being brought up to speed…

…to be able to deliver the next course of action we are all delighted to take

Life is not necessarily hard, but we do tend to make it hard on ourselves so that we can then justify our part in the performance

To be given situations easily on the plate is something Mankind is not used to

We never accept miracles even though they are administered daily

We tend to think it is a mistake or it should be for somebody else and not us

We really do not think we deserve any good happening to us, never mind a miracle

At last Mankind is being brought back from the abyss of self-destruction and…

…where a major miracle is about to occur, which will affect every man, woman and child

At last we will all understand why we are actually here on this earth

A coming together of nations, whereby a need to rectify the peoples’ demands for a united peace force with teeth…

…is now fundamentally necessary

The current UN peace-keeping forces are weak with so many of its army having no real power, but tend to be just there to show force

These UN forces need to be able to help prevent wholesale slaughter and disruption…

…to human life in a far better way than it is presently doing

Until that happens with their limited power…

…they are but a joke to whatever country they are called in to help balance the power of atrocities

Chinese officials have confiscated 213 bear paws hidden in tyres of a vehicle crossing from Russia to China

Bear parts are prized in China; they are perceived to have medicinal value

The haul was valued at £293,000.  The demand is huge in China, as more people can afford them

They are used as a rare ingredient for cuisine and as presents

It seems the entire Chinese culture at some time will have to move away from what is seen as horrific in western eyes

Bears have as much right to live on this earth as humans

What would the Chinese think if we were to take their children’s hands for medicinal purposes?

Their lives being worth nothing alive, but more dead!

Man has destroyed so much and even these defenceless magnificent creatures are subjected to the whim of humans

Just because they have feel they have a right to kill to have

China, through their culture, is responsible for the continuing demise of elephants, rhinos and tigers

All are fair game for them and are worth nothing alive

When all are extinct, then they will have to look at something else to destroy!

It is only in civilised society, where there is education that will restore these amazing creatures

Perhaps we can save them from this dishonourable plight

The Egyptian President will find yet again that there will be open revolt

His continuous Muslim Brotherhood grip on power without the consideration of the Egyptian people will be his downfall

The Egyptian people have protested before and have brought down Mubarak

Does President Morsi think he is so protected that this will not happen again?

His brutal and harsh ways will only incite further violence; he will not be able to contain it and to think so is only his naivety

As corruption around the world is further dealt with the latest victim to be taken under arrest is Montreal’s mayor

Quebec’s anti-corruption unit has accused him of fraud charges.  His predecessor also resigned amid corruption allegations

This is the latest string of scandals surrounding Canadian local politics

“Corruption and collusion will no longer be tolerated,” said the head of anti-corruption unit, “No one is above the law”

Until politicians from around the world are scrutinised for their honesty and decency then none will be able to gain these positions

It is a privilege to serve, not their right

Power breeds corruption, are there no longer decent people around the world because they certainly do not appear in politics? 

Those whose position of power holds a greater responsibility, so their punishment against the people has to be greater…

…until it is wiped out completely

The Spiritual purging of all those in power is hugely highlighted…

…as so many have stepped over the line and their power has made them hungry and arrogant

They have lost sight of why they are in this position in the first place, which is to serve the people and not themselves

Be true to yourselves and begin to see a brighter future out of the gloom, which is only self-imaginary

We all strive for perfection within a muddied mess of self-doubt and self-loathing

None can understand fully the complexities of Mankind and his brutal way of living and working

We must provide

This we are constantly being told, but to ignore the self for the rest cannot be instrumental with what comes easier in the long run

We need to look at ourselves first and to see whether we are worth saving before the saving can take place

A better model is formed to bring in eternal happiness to all those who believe we are not alone, but joined together for all prosperity

The giving and receiving of life’s essence is important, as one cannot survive without the other

The energy of the giving & receiving allows for all who are in need, no matter how trivial or unimportant it may appear, it will be granted

Let the world begin to see how hardship can be avoided and in most cases relieved

It is by the relieving of suffering that all can become harmonious and healed again

We are all too quick to condemn, but what we don’t always realise is the hurt behind the event or the attack

To be at peace is a wonderful thing and rarely is it given

Most people are in a turmoil of their own choosing, not willing to accept an alternative to their plight of uncontrolled agony

By peaceful instruction, pain and suffering are relieved and a better outcome becomes possible

Learn to live in peace and accept a Higher Intelligence to instruct you in this discipline

All then can be given to you, which is free and worthwhile

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has opened a Holocaust exhibition at the Auschwitz Nazi death camp site in southern Poland

Some Jews do not want the world to ever forget the Holocaust inflicted upon its people

The world has paid in general a high price for what Nazi Germany did to this race

What is tragic is that it has not stopped Jews from inciting equal atrocities against the people of the rest of the world

It makes for healing of this race ever more difficult, as mistrust continues to be stirred up

They have not learnt that if you continue to hate a race they equally will continue to hate you

If some Jews continue to push to be a thorn in the side of the human race, then they will ultimately bring about their own downfall again

Benjamin Netanyahu has been openly criticised by his own politicians in Israel, who have said…

“There is no pit into which the prime minister has not fallen.  The problem is he drags along the entire country into the pit with him.”

He continues to endanger the peace process with the Palestinians and this Israel is becoming increasingly divided

In the end they will cut their own throats by their own actions

It is now time the Jewish people stood up against the wickedness of these politicians…

…as they continue to hoodwink their own people with propaganda of fear and therefore will incite violence at every turn

Pope Francis is reported to have acknowledged the existence of a gay lobby inside the Vatican

He also admits to a stream of corruption

Something that was highlighted when the scandal broke out during Pope Benedict’s reign by his then butler

It is highly likely that it contributed to Benedict’s decision to resign. He was not fit enough to deal with it

It is now placed before Pope Francis to clear up the mess, which has been going on for decades

The Church has already lost credibility within the world of its growing hypocrisy

This might go some way into clearing up the poison that exists and create a better footing, if it wishes to survive!

At last a parliamentary agreement has been agreed & a treaty between the UK & Jordan is now being designed for the deportation of Abu Qatada

He will face, finally, a trial of which numerous crimes that he is responsible for are delivered

He will find that justice is not only swift, but honourable. For Jordanians are known for their justice against the odds

Both the present King Abdullah and his famous father before him, King Hussein, have long held a tradition to uphold the law

That Law, Abu Qatada will now face and justice will be seen to be done

This man can no longer flaunt the Law as he has done, both in this world and the next!

Some 10.5 million children are believed to be working as domestic labourers worldwide

The International Labour Organisations says that many work in conditions that are dangerous and sometimes verging on slavery

The report also suggests that the children are vulnerable to physical and sexual violence

Children around the world suffer in silence; they are the hidden industry that provides them with no rights or healthy conditions

They are the forgotten race

Until the International Authorities wake up to the plight of these poor innocent children nothing will ever change for them

They are caught up in areas where their safety and wellbeing is of no importance

The war in Syria is forcing children to carry weapons to fight where manpower is short and where these children have lost everything

There are no family members alive to help them

Children all over India are forced to rummage through rubbish to scratch a living from what little they can fine to sell for food and water

Children are the slaves of this world

They are often used in the sex industry and trapped by sexual predators, who earn enormous amounts by exploiting them

Governments chose to turn a blind eye simply because it will mean they will need to do something about it & this they are not prepared to do

The world is losing its conscience and so it will reap what it sows

Bitterness and regret, anger and oppression are all the hallmarks of anarchy

These children, who will become adults one day, become the breeding grounds for terrorists and we, as a race, only have ourselves to blame

Will we ever learn?

Children have a right to live in safety and be protected; they are after all our supposed future!

What has the world produced and should we care as to what we have created?

Palestinians have criticised Israel after official statistics showed a rise in new house building in West Bank settlements

A report by Israeli settlement watchdog, Peace Now, says they have reached a seven year high

There are nearly three times more homes being built in the first quarter of this year compared with 2012

As US Secretary of State John Kerry tries to revise Israel-Palestinian peace talks…

…he is deluding himself if he thinks he can get anywhere at all

Once again the Israeli Government has ratified a plan of settlement and colonisation and not a plan of peace

The Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under International Law, but when has that stopped them

Israel, after all, is a law unto themselves and has no interest or acknowledgement in International Law unless it suits them

Israel makes the US Government the laughing stock of the world. Israel has become too powerful

The USA has to pay lip service to them while the legal occupiers of Palestinian land are left with nothing

The USA wonders why they are so hated around the world

Look what they have created for themselves, Israel will forever be a thorn in their side

This appalling act will just carry on until every Palestinian is ousted out

That is exactly what Israel wants, while the rest of the world do nothing but look on!

Where is the world’s shame in so many acts of injustice to so many?

The conquerors always feel they have right on their side just because they wield the heavier stick

As the sexual exploitation of children continues and street grooming is still rife…

…these children are being let down by the agencies, which were set up to protect them

It is high time that the task forces become a force to be reckoned with

They must curb, once and for all, the horror that these vulnerable souls are being subjected to

The wakeup call has to be severe. The abuse of children has gone on long enough

What are our schools doing?

Where is the education done at that level to instruct children that criminal minds are out there, ready to exploit vulnerable children?

Children are naïve and are no match for these perpetrators on their innocence

Education has to be started in the home and then in the schools and there should be a support system already functioning to guide them

It is no good being wise after the event. Their lives are already destroyed

We, as a society, have failed them and it is high time we started to protect the rest, who remain vulnerable

Child abusers are in every level of society.  They have sick minds and should not be allowed near children. Yet it still happens

Also it is society’s role to educate our children, so that they can protect themselves and not to leave themselves open to abuse

It means that school uniform must be of a certain standard and where girls’ clothes do not expose themselves to unwanted attention

We all must take personal responsibility

We live in a hostile world and not everybody will abide by our rules of decency and honour, as we would like to think they would

We really cannot afford to take that chance!

The Brazilian Government has announced it will send soldiers to the farm in Mato Grosso do Sul

The land is in the centre of a land dispute between its owner and the indigenous people, whose land it is on

If the Brazilian Government is wise, they will show up as a support system to their own people, thus making a statement…

…to the rest of the world that Brazil is fair to all its people and not to just a chosen elite, who feel they can build a ranch…

…anywhere they chose, just because it is their will to do so.  The eyes on the world are upon Brazil…

…who have to deal with many delicate matters before the Olympic Games comes to them in a few years’ time

Important but sensitive decisions must be made

The indigenous people have a right to obtain their ancestral land with protection and without coercion

Their lives have suffered enough at the hands of injustice, now it is up to Government to show sensitivity

Do right by the people and they will do right by you

Kill them off, as in the case of the North American Indians and you have blood on your hands for all time

America can never prosper while these people’s rights are still ignored and that goes for the entire world over

Egyptian politicians have been caught suggesting hostile actions against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile

These politicians were heard on live TV proposing military actions at a meeting called by President Morsi

Ethiopia has diverted the flow of the Blue Nile in preparation for the $4.2bn hydroelectric dam

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be African’s largest and will produce 6,000 megawatts. Much needed electricity for the area

The politicians did not realise they were on live TV, they spoke of what one of them called a declaration of war…

…even to go so far as to send in Special Forces to destroy the dam

Another politician thought of jet fighters to scare the Ethiopians

All this is extremely embarrassing for the Government and will give the Egyptian opposition something to deal with when time allows

It shows clearly the barbarous way the Egyptian Government is going.  No wonder the Egyptian people are worried

Yet the Government, with all their arrogance, feel they can ride roughshod over humanity

While at the same time it is alright to accept $1.5bn aid from the USA to feed its people

The bringing down of more institutions who have flouted the law will become more evidential

No longer are they allowed to get away with their sharp practices and continue to ride roughshod over the general public

See more banks being swept away as they cannot keep up with the new enforced rulings that are being implemented

The new Bank of England governor will make sweeping changes to the banks as a whole

He will start to bring back decency regarding banking practices and so demolish the rogue banking system which still operates today

As world opinion begins to change rapidly, there is a new voice being heard and that is of the youth

Today’s youth are not prepared to put up with the nonsense of their fathers and forefathers. They feel they have a voice and it is justified

Freedom of speech and of thinking is now being operated on in so many countries where the internet…

…now allows people of different religions and faiths to come together to air their views and opinions

No longer do they feel threatened at they once did

The youth has found an instrument where they are able to share values and human rights in so many different areas

This is making them a formidable force

Governments will no longer be able to clamp down of what the youth of today are sharing with others around the world

Their voices and their concerns with how the world is now being operated on, will be heard

A collective movement more powerful than at any other time in history is now emerging and Governments need to watch out

The old propaganda no longer works and the truth on so many issues is coming out

People are aware of the corruption and brainwashing that is out there

No longer will they tolerate social and economic disaster

People have every right to be angry with the banks for the UK financial crisis…

…as quoted by the outgoing governor of the Bank of England Sir Mervyn King

He further states the crisis wasn’t caused by a few individuals, but a crisis of the system of banking, which we had allowed

The British public had to suffer this crisis by having to bail the banks out…

…instead of letting them fall and taking the wrap for their mismanagement and greed

The greed of the banks has not been curbed, even though there are tighter regulations and stiffer penalties

It is the culture of greed, which is at the very heart of their industry which has not been obliterated

Until independent banks are brought in to serve the people and not their own pockets first, there will be no let up to these shenanigans

There are some honest people around in this world of greed, but at this time there seems to be very few!

Those who are honest and have a will to help people should announce to the human race that, apart from God, there is goodness in this world

It is they who should be shown up for standing up for decency and become the role models this world so desperately needs

Allow yourself time to grow and to see

Do not be so eager to want tomorrow to come, but savour what is today and marvel at how wonderful it all is

There are many who are imprisoned in life and for them to get through their ordeal can’t come in soon enough

What they don’t always appreciate is the time spent can be fruitful if only they knew how to use it wisely

To learn from ones surroundings, no matter how dire they can be

To see just how resourceful the human spirit is, especially at times of great hardship and stress

We all must go through various hardships in our lives and it is at these times that we learn the most

We need to recognise just who we are and how we actually can manage to cope

It is at these times that we are able to really appreciate the good times and again be thankful because we recognise the difference