They have been sorely lacking in so many dimensions
The rule of law is now an ass, as so many people flaunt it for their own purposes
The high and mighty lawyers are paid enormous fees to side line the law for their corrupt clients
They carry on abusing the people for their own ends
Corruption on so many levels, where money really appears the root of all evil, is further extended to the common man in the street
They have so little
The thought of getting something that would make their life better and, for little risk for themselves, they immediately jump to it
Their answer is simple. “If the politicians can do it and the bankers together with big businesses can, so why shouldn’t I?”
This is the moral aspect that Man has created for himself and to find an honest man/woman is a rarity these days
As the Spiritual Law starts to further bite into the pockets and minds of these corrupt people…
…they will start to see what they obtain in the left hand, is taken away from them with the right hand
The exact amount making them remain at the status quo before they started their devious methods
Most will not be able to see it, but in fact over the years they will need to see it
What they have taken by dishonest means cannot be held and is always returned to the source from where it came
There will be no gain, either short term or long term, as Spiritual Law is a fact of life
It will remain so until Man starts to realise that the only way to obtain good things is by honest hard work and goodness
Nothing more is necessary
We all hit hard times in our lives and it is at these times that miracles do happen
Out of the blue we are miraculously looked after and saved by the Divine Force that guides us continuously throughout our lives
It is only at these dire times that are we able to see these revelations and then come to believe in a Higher Power looking after us
When the hardship has passed and we emerge on our feet again, the revelation no longer resonates in our minds
We automatically think we are on our own again
That is never true, as the Higher Power is with us constantly guiding and protecting us
It is only when we recognise it, can be feel safe and secure
For those who are constantly greedy, they will never recognise this power and so will continue to cheat the system
They believe they have the upper hand, but in reality they never do
Again what they gain in the one hand, they will again lose with the other
The centrist Nepali Congress party has won the most votes in last week’s general election
The Congress party has said that it can form a Government of national unity and bring about the necessary stability that Nepal needs
Many people have suffered extensive hardship under the strict regime of the Maoist controlled power
Now, in democratic elections, the Maoist movement found themselves in third place
It is the old and wise traditions that the Nepalese people want back again to ensure their own future
It is the necessary growth that is vital to their existence
This now can come about with the rewritten Constitution to make these laws binding, where everybody gains and not just the few who rule
Nepal can begin to breathe again, as it will be a gentle but formidable changeover and relief to the people will be well justified
There can be peace and stability to this great region, where holiness takes on a totally different meaning to the rest of the world
To these people all life is sacred, as they are wise enough to know
It is the rest of the world that is out of step with them
Peace is something that is innate in all of them and seldom do they rise to anger, as it is not in their psyche
They are always at one with nature and therefore at one with harmony at all times
As the world continues to view Egypt with further shock and horror, sympathy for the military addressed Government is no longer there
The people will rise up again. They have nothing to lose or to live for
The present sham dictatorial Government is not governing. They are not listening to their people. They are only doing what is right for them
The present stupidity of sentencing 21 female supporters of President Morsi to 11 years in prison is lamentable
It brings the entire judiciary system into question. These are not fair trials, but a hammer to crack a nut. The world looks on in horror
Any credibility the Egyptian Government thought they had, has now been obliterated by their own hand
Some of the girls are under 18 years of age
It has been stated that these girls have been given longer jail sentences than police convicted of killings or seriously injuring civilians
It makes a mockery of Egypt’s judiciary system. They become the laughing stock in the eyes of the world
This is not a Law, but a vendetta against an ideology that they cannot control. Fear is at the heart of these sentences, not justice
As has been previously predicted, Berlusconi has been ousted out of parliament
His bullying tactics can no longer frighten those who oppose him
His might, which is huge, will start to crumble, gradually but effectively
He will see his empire diminish before his own eyes
The Italian people are not blind. Yes he has his followers, but what kind of mentality do they show?
To be comfortable in the presence of a bully, one must already have that trait in one’s own psyche
Is this what Italian people want to rule them, a dictatorship over what is best for the country?
Berlusconi is a power crazy and hungry man. He is also very angry and an angry man is a dangerous one
See a backlash from him occur, which will further bring him down
The likes of this kind of man in power is no longer wanted or needed
Soon he will be humbled, but he won’t lie down gently, so his fall will be all the more painful for him
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) head has warned that global trade deal talks face collapse
WTO members have failed to agree on a text to present to trade ministers next month to reach a deal
This trade deal could add £617bn to the world economy
There are now new rules in place to streamline customers’ procedures and speed up global trade
Other key areas of discussion are agriculture & the sustainability of food security programmes, such as the one run by India at this time
The head of WTO says we cannot fail to arrive at an agreement
To do so would mean we fail the business community and the most vulnerable, the poor
To quote Pope Francis
“I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians, who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people and the lives of the poor”
There needs to be a major shift in society’s thinking
We are all in this together and we all collectively have a responsibility to help one another
If we fail as intelligent human beings, then our species will suffer untold consequences
We are already paying a high price for continued unrest around the world
We constantly make bad decisions without thinking of the consequences of our actions
The Vietnam War, the Nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, the Iraqi War and so on
What legacy have our misdeeds done to this world?
These people are still suffering the consequences and with no satisfactory solution in sight
Do we not have a conscience? We purport to be civilised human beings
Animals have a greater capacity for decency then we do
We really must stop thinking with the little mind, but with the global mind to address longstanding issues& help our fellow man to survive
The Office for the Children’s Commissioner for England has filed an official report
It shows sexual violence is being carried out by children against children, some as young as 11 years old
Council chiefs have said work by agencies on child protection needs to improve
The report is the result of a two year inquiry by the Children’s Commissioner into child exploitation and gangs, where rape is prevalent
There have been sheer levels of sadism uncovered by the inquiry, where gang rape is normal
Until society starts to take personal responsibility for their children, this situation will continue to grow worse
The media with their exploitation of women as sex objects allows young youths to think this is permissible
Advertising in magazines and on the television again pressurise young girls to grow up faster than their youth allows
Television soap programmes shown before the 9pm watershed again shows violence and offensive behaviour
They are being shown as acceptable, as being the norm in today’s society. No longer is there any decency about
The media is not showing polite and courteous behaviour and teaching our young people how to behave in a proper manner
We, as a society, have run amok
It is no longer expected that ladies should behave like ladies and that young men should behave as young gentleman with respect for all
We have gone full circle in the other way
The young people of today have no longer any concept of what it is like to be polite and to have manners
Our children only have us as adults to thank for their demise
It is our society that now must reap the consequences of our own irresponsible behaviour
We no longer think it matters whether a man gives up his seat for a lady
We, as a society, have lost our moral compass and that is why we are in this mess
School girls are allowed to attend school wearing makeup
Young girls feel they can wear anything and show anything, leaving nothing to the male imagination
Pop stars feel it is acceptable to gyrate their bodies in suggestive ways, so that they can sell their music
All this has an enormous impact on the youth of today with no censorship – everything goes and everything is allowed
We must now reap the seeds of child sexual violence
We must live with the consequences that our vulnerable children will suffer a lifetime’s trauma
Well done society, you have done a great job!
When will society learn that decency is honourable and sacred?
The young are precious and that exploitation on our youth is what we are now reaping
First recorded in 1939, the protest song ‘Strange Fruit’ came to symbolise…
…the brutality and racism of the practice of lynching in America’s South
Now more than 70 years later, such is the song’s enduring power that rapper Kanye West sampled the track on his latest album Yeezus
The words of this song describe the combination of grief, shock and fear. You have sorrow for those who died
Simeon Wright recalls the August night, 58 years ago when his young cousin Emmett Till aged 14 years old was dragged out of bed
He was taken at gun point by two white men. Emmett’s body was found in the Tallahatchie River
He has been beaten, tortured and shot before his body was dumped in the river
His crime was he whistled at a white woman in the local store. His cheeky gesture cost him his life
The case became famous in America and helped usher in the civil rights movement
Lynch mobs at that time tried and executed 5,000 black men, women and children. The two white men were acquitted of Emmett’s murder
Abel Meeropol, who saw one of the postcards in the 1930’s was prompted to write the song, later made famous by Billie Holiday
Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.
Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.
A lady quilt maker called April Shipp from Detroit spent four years working on a large quilt called ‘Strange Fruit’
It bears the names of over 5,000 lynched men, women and children
Each name was lovingly sewn in gold thread on black fabric. April has even included two nooses
She calls it her 5,000 souls and she cries when she touches it and works on it
“If no one remembers their names, I remember them,” she says
‘Strange Fruit’ remains a potent reminder of America’s not so distant past
They still have a long way to go to accept integration in their so called land of equal opportunity and rights for all!
President Zuma thinks he can take carte blanche to do what he likes with his taxpayers money
The actions of a very selfish man are openly seen all the time
President Zuma has used Government funds of $20m of taxpayer’s money to refurbish his homestead
He forbids anyone from taking pictures of the lavish estate for fear of inciting riots in the streets
As with all selfish people, all that they obtain irregularly by greedy methods will be lost to him
He can never obtain happiness on the backs of his people’s misery
He is already a very hated man!
On 22nd November 1963 President John Kennedy and his wife travelled to Dallas for an early campaign ahead of the coming year’s election
He was already warned of an assignation attempt on his life
Yet the young President did not heed the warning, travelling instead in an open topped car
President Kennedy was a man of great conviction – a spark in the American dream
He was an inspiration to so many, both in America and abroad
His charismatic ways made one believe that justice to the world in the light of the cold war could be achieved
He was determined to bring peace against the Soviet communist invasion coming in from Cuba
Kennedy’s popularity still endures the people to him, who have been disappointed with his successors and who could blame them
Historians have said “the people want a better life in their country. They want to think their children are going to do better”
Kennedy’s inspiration to so many people is still admired today. Not many American presidents can claim that
In his short time in office, he is still remembered favourably around the world as a great man and leader against sometimes incredible odds
The tragedy for Mankind is that they can never see the whole picture
They are all too involved in their little lives, which consume their ever-thinking ways that nothing ever changes
Mankind needs to start looking at ways of helping each other to survive
They must give a helping hand to those in need or there will always be unrest in this world
The entire world is our family and it is our mission to help all those whose lives are affected by trouble and strife
The animal species look after their own and will look after orphan animals of their own species
As a whole if the species are strong and united, then their survival rate is increased
It is the collective whole which makes things happen and survival possible
“As long as I’m alright, what does it matter about anybody else?” tends to be our mentality
This is why, as a human species, the world is so divided
Religion is the bane and curse of Mankind
All the religions of the world are of the opinion that by joining that particular club…
…they will be saved and be able to sit on the right side of God when they die
What is so tragic in this thinking is that there is no religion in the next world after we die
This has already been scientifically proven; the research is there for all to see
There is only love and positive thinking and all people from all races and creeds are together entirely mixed
So the notion that it is only your special brand of religion, which will guarantee entry into the afterlife…
…becomes a shock for so many, who discover the truth only when they die
The different planes of existence, of which man arrives at after death, are determined by the good deeds and acts done while on this earth
Good people, who have helped one another on this earth, will go to a dimension of love and giving
Those that have murdered and cheated their fellow man will go to the appropriate place, where murderers and cheats go to
It has nothing to do with religion whatsoever
The sadness for our fellow man is that they are not taught this by any of the religions
It is their clubs that the clerics want to promote, making their position ever more powerful and determined to keep their sects going
It is only when one dies that the full truth is revealed
God is impartial, an Intelligence that holds balance in this world in all things created by that Intelligence
God never said that individuals must kill in its name
The Intelligence is always love and always balance and therefore to be destructive goes against the principles of that Intelligence
Therefore by the Laws of that Intelligence, the wrongs must be put right so that balance can be restored again
In other words Mankind will have to suffer the consequences of their actions before order can be returned
The Laws of Cause and Effect are ever present in this world and that is what the Intelligence is all about
Justice out of injustice is the Law by which we all must live in order to survive
The last British resident still held in Guantanamo Bay is Shaker Aamer. He has been speaking from his prison cell for the first time
He has spoken to the US news channel CBS shouting from his prison cell asking reporters to “tell the world the truth”
He has been held prisoner for 12 years without trial
He has not been charged with any offence and has been cleared for release from prison
He has permission to live in the UK with his British National wife and their four children
They are constantly suffering under these heinous conditions
The British Government have constantly been asking for his release
David Cameron has been speaking direct to President Obama again just recently – yet nothing has been done
Mr Stafford-Smith, Mr Aamer’s lawyer and director of Reprieve, has called on the US president to “fulfil his promise” and close the prison
President Obama pledged to the American people and the world that he would close the prison at the beginning of his presidency
That was six years ago. Still nothing has been done. Is this American justice?
The CBS show gives a rare and shocking insight inside Guantanamo Bay
Everyone in the prison, the guards and the inmates, suffer horribly day after day
Where is American’s humanity? Or is it only when its suits them!
The US is marking the 150th anniversary of one of the most famous speeches in its history
President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was indeed memorable
His brief oration, delivered as a nation fought for survival, is admired as a masterpiece
It distilled the essence of American ideas on equality, liberty and democracy, as every American schoolchild knows
Lincoln spoke during a time when the country looked as if it might perish from the earth
Lincoln has come to symbolise America’s greatest virtues of humility, of honesty and decency
Where has it all gone so terribly wrong?
It is the world that will judge America, who has failed to address its own citizen’s needs
It is America, who is seen by the eyes of the world, as no longer having humility, honesty and decency
President Lincoln was a great man and he did what he felt was right for equality of the races
He could no longer live with himself and see black Americans as slaves
This man had a conscience and he lived with that to bring back decency from the bowels of ignorance
How little has actually changed. He did his best, but other Governments have done their best to tear this country apart once again
Where are the equality and the liberty and the democracy that Lincoln fought for?
Black people still do not have equal rights
Guantanamo Bay still sees no liberty for those who have not committed any crimes
As to democracy, where is democracy when a President is elected by the people, only to find him & the country held ransom by the Republicans
This is because they don’t like what he does
President Lincoln is not dead, but alive in the next dimension
He must be wringing his hands in despair over a country he loved and served
All those American lives lost and for what – nothing has really change in 150 years
America, when are you going to learn and begin to advance along a path of equality, honesty and decency before it is too late?
The world is already turning its back on you. You have misused their trust and their respect
Nothing can be gained by these failings
Police in southern Italy have arrested at least 45 suspected members of the Mafia group operating near the port city of Brindisi
The suspects are charged with 150 crimes including murder, drug trafficking and extortion
The suspects forced local businesses to pay protection money
There are also allegations that gang members had explosives and carried out bombings
The general public must work more with Police and official Government bodies to eradicate this disease Mafia
Otherwise Italy will continue to pay a high price in so many ways
There has to be a limit where disruption of one’s life is overbearing
Fear can no longer be the driving element that secures the Mafia’s future
The Government needs to give more security for their people against the intimidation given out by these gangs
Otherwise the Mafia will continue to grow stronger. The establishment and the people will grow weaker
They must be removed root and branch from every level of society that they control
Decency over greed and money must come to the fore and there cannot be any excuses
It is time the Italian people started fighting back with the help of Government
With every informant being allowed protection, a stronger, more virile Nation can be formed
It is the choice of the people
Either they wish to breathe the fresh air of honesty or be drowned in negative destructive ways of corruption and extortion
It is time the Nation started fighting back and the impetus for reform to gather momentum
The situation in Syria is approaching its climax, as other parties start to quicken up their offensive to secure the capital Damascus
They will bring down a Government that has outgrown its usefulness
The Syrian people are fed up with the war and have lost all faith with the relative factions, who wish to control the country
There will not be any overall winner and that includes Bashar al-Assad. His days are long over
Even with the Russian offensive to bring about a return of his Government, the people will not rise to it
They are all glad to see the back of him and his shenanigans regarding their country
They must secure the country and bring about a democratic solution, which will incorporate more moderates than before
There will come a light in the midst of all this mayhem to allow for concrete solutions to be found
An end to this war will be made possible
Now that the timing is right and a better prospect for peace can be found
The joy that people can bring when they apply themselves
Thousands of people in the San Francisco turned out to help a five year old boy
He has been recovering from Leukaemia since he was 18 months old
Miles Scott’s wish was for him to be Batman for a day
The Make-a-Wish Foundation organised the event and they received pledges from 10,000 people to help out
Miles is now in remission. He thought he was on his way to buy a Batman costume to dress up as his favourite hero
He heard a broadcast from the Police Chief appealing for help from Batkid
Next the pint sized hero saved a damsel in distress and foiled a faux robbery with the adult Batman
From there he was ferried to the events in a Batmobile
Lastly he travelled to AT&T park to rescue the San Francisco Giants baseball team mascot
He disarmed a fake bomb planted by another classic Batman baddie, the Penguin
Miles received the key to the city and President Obama praised the mini-caped crusader
The Make-a-Wish Foundation said the event was on a military footing to help make Mile’s wish come true
In real life Miles has defeated an enemy even more ruthless than Batman’s nemeses
His mother said his wish came true, which has meant closure for Miles’ family and the end to putting toxic drugs in their son’s body
People can be amazing when all have a common desire to help and to give happiness where it is truly deserved
Miles will make it and it will be forever a fighting force in his life
The world is full of fear and uncertainty
Yet through hardship, there is always hope and from the strangest of places offerings of assistance are given
Many have lost so much, yet for those who do survive their lives are changed forever
They begin to value what they have
They see in each other a light of reward that they were meant to be together to ride the storm of uncertainty
It is at these times of great hardship that courage from our fellow man comes to the fore
Their overriding will to help touch all those who benefit
Life moves in mysterious ways and, where a hopeless situation occurs, then a new act of direction is always given
None should fear, but all should feel the Universal Divine Love direct us on and where help is always given along the way
Police in Canada say 348 people have been arrested & nearly 400 children rescued during a three year investigation into child pornography
A Toronto based firm had been selling DVDs and streamed videos of naked children
Azov Films marketed the footage and distributed them to 94 countries
The number of suspects, who had close contact with the children, was of a particular concern to the investigators
There were doctors, school teachers, foster carers and priests who were amongst those detained
What a sick society this world is coming to, where predatory adults abuse innocent and vulnerable children
The law will deal very harshly with these criminals, but it is the sick mind-set which is the worrying aspect here
We all have to be vigilant& it is necessary to instruct our children more to arm them against these practices, which occur with regularity
It is the children themselves who must become the watchdogs and to report where they know matters of this kind are taking place
So that the perpetrators are stopped and dealt with before further damage is caused
This is the world we live in
It is a harsh reality that our children must face it, if they are to save themselves from people who are psychologically sick
What Egypt needs is food and electricity for its people to survive and have a better way of life
Military arms from Russia is not going to put food on the table
The people again are the ones who lose and it is the military junta who get all the perks
It is no wonder that Egypt and its people are fed up to the back teeth of military domination
Outside countries constantly interfere with Egypt’s own management and governing
They suit their own dictatorial purposes and the people are left with no say again
Egypt’s military must start to recognise this
Until they deliver to the people a proper democracy with noticeable reforms, nothing will change for them
Egyptian anger will then spill over and further riots will be imposed
It is high time a new election was formed to allow the people to vote for improvements to their lives
The people need to start to believe in a democracy that will help them!
Governments need to provide for the people and not just a select few
The rule of law is that all are provided for and so harmony and stability can be maintained
Brazil’s Supreme Court has upheld the jail terms against the politicians, businessmen and bankers
They were convicted in the country’s biggest corruption trial
More than twenty people were convicted over the scheme to pay opposition politicians for supporting the former Government
The allegations of the case were that illegal payments and benefits were paid to members of the Congress
They were paid for their support in crucial votes for the Government
This trial is seen as a key test of Brazil’s ability to hold its politicians to account for corruption
As Universal Laws are being administered every day, more and more corruption on many levels throughout the world is being exposed
All those who are corrupt will fall
The Higher Intelligence is now wheedling them out and anybody who still thinks they have got away with it are sadly mistaken
It is only a matter of time before they are brought to justice
Even those who feel they have got away with war crimes against humanity will also face their judges in this world
None will be exempt!
A nervous banking system is now operating – not knowing who will squeal on who is making market traders very wary indeed
The policy of mind changing will be a slow but effective one
The Financial Ombudsman will start to clear out defective trading in the next few years
There is a scheme going around, which will see effective monitoring of the entire industry
There will be constant watchdogs seen to be doing their jobs more effectively than before
It is high time that the banks were regulated more thoroughly
Even though they keep a tight-lipped security policy, it will not stop them being found out
Regulators from around the world are building up a dossier, where sharp, illegal trading will be a thing of the past
New regulatory policies, which will need to be adhered to, will start to see the general public gaining confidence again
They do not need see their money being recklessly frittered away
As a new complex system is being devised, it will allow for a freer and more transparent method of trading and dealing
This will not allow traders to make vast profits
The regulators will see that overextended deals always bring in problems at a later date
Gone are the days of the casino banking operations
There will be a rule that will see markets develop
They were not able to do so before due to the vast amounts of money needed to trade in the first place
This will open up trade and finance to a better form of standards than at any time before
The human mind is a complex thing
It needs to be studied more to realise its full potential regarding communication skills with the Afterlife
Many people are Clairaudient, but do not realise it
Clairaudience is where a person receives messages from another in the form of mind activity or mental thoughts
These can be transmitted from one person to another, while they are still alive on the earth plane…
…or from a deceased loved one from the other side of life
It is the understanding that the information given to a person living on the earth is not imagined, but recognised as being real
It has enormous benefits to that individual person and those around them to enhance their lives in so many ways
When a person is worried, or in some sort of distress, the information received is one of warmth, love and direction
It informs the individual where to go and how to best be able to sort matters out
All this is without the intervention of another human mind
All of us have this ability, but few know how to link in to the process of this enlightenment and understanding
Once one has become proficient, then the art is simple and effective
As one advances more steadily, then situations open up where before it was not possible
Life has more meaning and one never feels afraid or alone ever again
The information supplied comes from the Highest Intelligence and is always given freely if we care to listen
The information enhances our lives and becomes the building blocks, where we can all survive
Harm to us is never going to happen, as we are always warned and guided beforehand
Sir Winston Churchill had this ability and it was useful while in France behind enemy lines at the time of WWII
He was told that a German army patrol was approaching and that he should hide in a hut in the woods and wait there
This he did. Sure enough the army patrol came and passed by not realising that he was hiding
When they had gone he resumed on with his journey
It is at times like these that many are saved, while they are able to listen to the strong effective instructions given
One day it may be your life which is in danger and you are told how you would be able to get through it
One needs to have prior knowledge of the extent of the danger and how to effectively get through it
Learn to perfect this gift and know you can benefit from it throughout your life
The First Nation Americans had it and it assisted them in their lives finding hunting grounds for food and shelter in the winter
It helps the Nomads in the desert, who are guided to watering holes and are shown how recognise them
They don’t just believe in this communication, they depend on it for their lives and for the lives of their animals to survive always
Negotiations from around 190 countries are meeting in Warsaw to try to advance steps towards global climate agreement
This meeting comes after a series of studies indicating the scale of the climate challenge
The World Meteorological Organisation reported that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were higher than ever
Until Governments start to wake up and take personal responsibility for this world that we are all a part of…
…then we will all continue to pay the price of food shortage and destruction to both human, animal life and property
There have already been devastating consequences where whole towns and infrastructure have been raised to the ground
Public money must pay to rebuild these things leaving gaping holes in their economy. The cost of human life can never be priced
Crops are destroyed and the adverse conditions make it so hard to rebuild again
Look now on the Philippines, where Typhoon Haiyan devastated these islands, where 10,000 have already died
Recovery is not an overnight solution. Implementation must safeguard our planet before it is too late and we have nothing left
No good in shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted
Justice for irresponsible banking and greed continues to come about
In the latest, the US Government is seeking compensation of $864m from Bank of America…
…for their losses over home loans sold to its bank Countrywide Financial unit
The bank was found liable of defrauding two US state-backed mortgage companies by a federal jury last month
Reports last month stated that JP Morgan is set to pay a fine of $13bn to settle its mortgaged backed securities
These fines, which seem exorbitant, are only sufficient to put a small dent in their coffers
It is the message that is now being put out that banks must behave responsibly or they will be caught again
The banking mind-set is not expected to change any day soon
It will then come about that much deeper fines will need to be extracted before proper lessons are indeed learnt
The talks in Geneva with the Iranians have not gone according to plan
However an interesting scenario has developed of which a growing consensus to put past diplomatic discrepancies behind them
This then can forge open a new and more effect alliance
This alliance and agreement will have the necessary stabling power that is required for an official agreement to be launched in the New Year
These will need to be hard fought for negotiations, but with a better benchmark for progress to be maintained
A better deal to become established when the time is right for all concerned
The deal is already on the table; it just needs the major stumbling block addressed and verified
All who are negotiating this deal want it in their hearts and minds
It must signify security for all within the Middle East region of which there can be no going back
This the Iranians are fully determined to commit to, as it is their safety as well as neighbouring countries which all are concerned about
The policies that will be instrumental to all other countries worldwide will be what all desire in the long run
Iran has to save face, but at the same time make the right overtures to embrace another life for its people
They have suffered extensively through the sanctions still being imposed
Iran’s economic programme has already been floored, as it has nowhere to go anymore
The entire country is suffering in ways it cannot admit to the outside world
Those who work and live there know the full extent of the sacrifices they all have to make every day
The lifting of sanctions is vital for any kind of survival to take place; they are already at the critical stages of disaster
Openly they won’t/can’t admit it, but that is the overwhelming evidence that one can see every day
The breakthrough for negotiations will succeed and where a lasting declaration of peace and security is there for all the world to see
There will be other turmoil within the Middle East, which will come in from other sectors and will not undermine the Iranian programme
Many Jews in Europe say anti-Semitism is increasing, particularly on the Internet according to a survey by EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency
In the survey of 5,847 Jewish people, 66% of them who responded said anti-Semitism is a problem. It has increased over the past five years
The survey was carried out in the EU’s Jewish population, which covers eight countries and is home to 90% of the Jewish people
The countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the UK
The Jewish people are concerned for their safety and are considering emigrating
Respondents said the most frequent comments made by non-Jewish people were that Israelis behaved ‘like Nazis’ towards the Palestinians and…
…that Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes
In France it is already a very big problem and is closely followed by Hungary
The President of the European Jewish Congress would like steps to be taken to deal with this problem
He wants to have law enforcement agencies to ensure zero tolerance to anti-Semitism
The Jewish people in Israel and the world have brought this dilemma on themselves
The world is fed up to the back teeth of the Israeli Government’s brutal tactics of Palestinian ethnic cleansing
Every day in the news the Palestinian/Israeli peace talks are sabotaged while building settlements on Palestinian land continues daily
Jesus Christ, the greatest Jew in living memory, lived his life in love and peace
He taught us to get on with your neighbours and support them
His life was always based on unconditional love and caring for his fellow man
He never lifted a hand against anyone or struck out in hatred
He always found solutions to problems, because his heart led him there and peace was always found
As the Jews rejected their own kind, who had love and compassion, should we be surprised at their warring tactics against Mankind
It is only when harm is done to them that it is a crime, but for them to do it to others it is always permitted in their eyes
That old saying, one reaps what one sows, is very apt in this case
The President of the Jewish European Congress wants anti-Semitism dealt with, yet there is no mention of anti-Palestinian abuse
It is always one rule for the Jews and one rule for the rest of the people of this world
Hatred of the Jews is brought on simply by their own behaviour and so they must learn to live with these consequences
What is encouraging is that the young Jewish people in Israel are themselves…
…fed up to the back teeth of what is being done in their name by their own Government
They want reform and they want to live side by side in peace with their fellow man, the Palestinians, but…
…their Government does not listen to them
They are hell bent on their own agenda and so will suffer those consequences not only in Israel, but throughout the entire world
How short-sighted and how arrogant can you get?
Well that is the Jews for you! They think they are above the rest of humanity
How unfortunate that they have to share this world with everybody else!
The exhumation of Yasser Arafat’s body and the scientific evidence now found that he was killed with radioactive polonium
His wife, Suha, believes the latest report, which proved he was assassinated
A Swiss scientific report said Arafat’s remains contained eight times the normal levels of polonium – 210
When a generally healthy and robust man gets ill and dies mysteriously very quickly, where none of the usual analysis has been found…
…or conclusions reached, then one has to look outside the norm and look at other probable causes
As with Alexander Litvinenko, it showed that just a few milligrams of the highly radioactive isotope found in his body was a lethal dose
It showed his immune system was seriously compromised before the scientists could discover the cause
Yasser Arafat had many enemies
It will come to pass that his killers are known and justice will be brought to bear in time
Nobody gets away with anything, even if they think they do!
Freedom is the main criterion on which we always rely
It is only through acts of war or imprisonment that we are aware of how much freedom actually means to us
Freedom of expression to write and say within reason, without actually offending anybody, is also expressly valuable
In the western world we are able to do that frequently, because we live in democratic societies, where expression of verbosity is allowed
All of us, at some point in our lives, will have to lose something that is not only dear to us, but valuable to our livelihood
A lack of food, where starvation is always around the corner, is particularly difficult to bear
The loss of our health, in times of great sickness, debilitates us
It affects every member of the family, where the burden of an ill person is felt by them all
They lose their freedom just as much as the ill person does
When a person loses their job, their dignity is also lost
They can no longer provide for the family and then great suffering and hardship has to be endured
The loss of a loved one dying, in whom all have benefitted by the light and love of that single person
Many say it is as if the light in my life has gone out and for many that is true
Those remarkable people one can never take for granted, but like all things that are precious we hope to value them more
It is the earthly aspects like loss of liberty and health and work, even identity where the major suffering is felt
The loss of a child, either in early pregnancy or as an infant, is also damaging to us in one way or another
All of us must learn that every day is important and special
All that we have that means anything to us, beyond material possessions which can be replaced, are not so easily obtained
We will begin to see what is actually important – the world around us, which gives us beauty and provides for our needs
The clean air that we can breathe and the water, which we are able to drink, are all important to sustain our lives
Animals, who provide us with sustenance and clothing, must be considered and appreciated
It is only when the essentials by which we need to live are taken away from us, do we actually stop and think that they are worth so much
Our resources are limited
Unless we use them all wisely and begin to appreciate what we have, they may not be there any longer
We all must play our parts in looking after this world, we are but custodians and all of us are only passing through
We must economise for the next generations to live and not to let them suffer by our own greed and irresponsibility
US Secretary of State John Kerry begins a tour of the Middle East and of North Africa
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco are on the listed itinerary
John Kerry and the US are now a laughing stock
If they think they have standing or credibility, they are highly mistaken and a rude awakening now comes into effect
It is no longer necessary for these countries to trade with America. Money now is no longer important
What is important is loyalty and honour, something America has lost a long time ago
Honour is what you live and die by, it supersedes everything else
Honour is the bedrock by which we survive and how we teach our children what is important
By doing right by ones neighbour and not to throw down death money over a cesspit of mismanagement and mistrust
America has lost the plot and must learn that the road to honour is a long one and where one has to prove themselves worthy to be there
This is no longer in America’s mind, as it still believes that money can buy everything and everybody has his price
The world is made up of many different people
Money means little to those who are starving and have no shelter from the bitter winds of winter
It is the generosity of Mankind that is the saving grace, not money
Where food and shelter are given out of kindness and care for others, without money
It is called common decency, respect and love amongst men
America has lost its way and their false platitudes no longer resonate in the ears of men
They have been promised so much and very little has been granted
They have already sold their souls down the river
They have no moral backbone and so they will bring about their own downfall, as their ignorance of others is beyond their understanding
The many countries of this world were created before America
They will survive without them, as their history is the legacy of their own standing
These countries have risen and fallen and will rise again
They will be powerful, because they learnt to stand together for a common good and a common interest
That is love for humanity and no longer to be a commodity for another to dictate to
Self-reliance and a collective trade by honest brokers will determine the future of this world
Where wars will no longer be needed, because the fire has gone out of their bellies
It is now time to reproduce in the right and honourable way
Their time will come!
The time has come where the world’s population has to stand up and question the way the world is now going
With so many injustices around, it is almost at epidemic proportions
There are no safe areas anymore
All is rife with hatred and anger, where the people are now demonstrating against their Governments to do something for them
What is the point of having democratic elections when the people see no change to their circumstances?
There needs to be security and justice for all
More leaders will be brought out, who have a vision for the future
Like Nelson Mandela in his day, where he was able to unite people in freedom and justice
It is these types of leaders who are inspired and will give back honesty and right living back to the people
Where corruption is a thing of the past and where man can at last hold up his head with pride and feel a part of the human race again
That time will come
There is a special elite group of people, who are being spiritually guided and have honour and justice as part of their framework
Their directive is for a better civilisation and where true purpose for the people can be exercised without fear or hardship
Their time is now coming and will be a revelation to so many
On 23rd September 2009 President Obama delivered an important speech to the UN General Assembly, he declared:
“We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel and…
…we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements
“The time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that…
…address the permanent status issues of security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders refugees and Jerusalem. The goal is clear:
“Two states living side by side in peace and security
“A Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable independent Palestinian state…
“…with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and realises the potential of the Palestinian people”
In this speech and a similar one in June 2009 Obama set out US policy in clear terms
Nothing has been done or achieved
In the following year peace talks were resumed in Washington hosted by Obama
Those present were Hosni Mubarak, Abbas, Netanyahu, Tony Blair who represented the European Union, Russia, United Nations and the US
Discussions were to reach a final settlement on the basis of a two-state solution
Again nothing has been done or achieved
The enemies of peace will keep trying to defeat these peace talks and derail them
In Israel, through Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intransigence, they keep on building unlawful settlements…
…while paying lip service to the Americans and the International community
The peace process, which started in Madrid in October 1991 with many full of hope, is still nowhere in sight
People on both sides have lost faith in this process
Failure to deliver over numerous rounds of previous talks has led to an alarming erosion of public support for these negotiations
Many of those who supported the peace process after Rabin’s assassination, have given up hope or have left the country
The Arab world have also been shaken by decades of false promises and arbitrary arrests
The Gaza war and the invasion of Lebanon have all taken their toll
America, Britain, the UN, the EU, Russia and all those who are involved in these talks are the laughing stock of the world
Their words no longer count for anything and to say that they do is only hypocritical rhetoric
The sham is there for all the world to see
Israel continues to work with impunity
Their continued ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, where no one is ever made accountable for their unlawful acts of aggression
The blood of these impoverished people are on the hands of all those who have negotiated & failed to come up with a solution that is binding
This fiasco has gone beyond the political situation. It is no longer relevant or credible and ceases to become operational
Now it is time for stern action without any of the two parties making any overtures
The fate of the people is already decided on by a handful of people, who are truly in touch with what is necessary
Those people alone must have the very best interests at heart for all the people
They need to see that peace in the Middle East is vitally important for stability, because they actually live there
They understand fully the requirements needed to build futures for everybody who reside in that complicated area
What’s more important, because they are honourable & fair people, they will be guided in bringing about a foolproof solution that will work…
…as opposed to those who want to ethnic cleanse and are not interested in peace…
…because it violates exactly what they want and not what is the right thing to do
Wake up people and do what is right for once instead of allowing this monstrous situation to spiral out of control…
…simply because you do not have the guts to take firm decisive action!
The world continues to laugh at you, but equally cry for those pitiful lost souls
America is spending billions of dollars around the world propping up despots, because they are so afraid for their own security
Not to mention the trillions they are in hock to with the Chinese, who funded them with the Iraq war
Not many American’s are aware of this, as they are blinded by the rhetoric that the state gives out. Their nativity is palpable
Now America is reducing food aid to their own vulnerable people
Benefits to the Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program will be lowered by $36 per month for a family of four
Some 47 million low income Americans will be affected by these cuts
The food aid in the US has grown to $80bn a year due to high unemployment and rising food costs
Yet bring on another war, they will always find the millions for that
Their own people do not matter if they starve. They are after all only a burden on the state
What a human rights record this so called great nation has?
Yet there is no moral conscience and the people are just expendable
A nation is judged by the welfare that nation provides for its people, especially those who are vulnerable through no fault of their own
Just getting health care for those who are vulnerable in the 21st century is for the US a difficulty
This is not a caring nation, but a ruthless one!
All those who cannot pay their way are surplus to requirements