The people, who give the most, are the poor. They understand what it is like to suffer and
be deprived
Their generosity to others in ways of practical help, time, food,
patience and what little money they have…
…is, as a form of charity, a hundred per cent love each time
It is said in the Bible, the widow woman, who gave her last and
only penny, gave everything she had
How many who give, have ever given that much? For most it is but a
token gesture
There are many, who are out there in this world, who are the
saints. They are the ones, who are on the front line of suffering, who…
…dedicate their lives in helping humanity. It is they, who are the
unsung heroes…
…Their names and faces are not known to us, but the Higher
Intelligence knows who they are
It is high time these people were honoured for their bravery and
courage. They are the true saviours of this world
Everybody, at some time or other, will need help in their lives. It
is often those who you never expect, who rise up and are there to help
Their reward will be given to them, not from those who they have
helped, but by the Universal Intelligence, who sees and knows all
But for these types of people, who rally around in times of great
despair and hopelessness, humanity would have collapsed a long time ago…
…We owe so much to these unsung heroes and know we are so blessed
to have them in our lives
Who said Global Warming doesn’t exist? The amount of devastation
due to massive climatic changes is affecting every one of us
Every country throughout the world at this time is suffering from
the effects of climatic conditions and we are powerless to stop it
Wake up people! Start to take an interest and for Governments to be
guided by what the scientists are calling The New Age of Concern!
Colorado will be a disaster zone for many years to come…
…Even next year will again see more fast fires. The land won’t be
able to recover for quite a while
See China launch another rocket into space to follow up on its
latest success of a docking operation in orbit
As predicted, Russia to back off and now can come on board to
exercise a new Kofi Annan peace plan
The problem here is Syria does not want peace…
…They want war & so the Syrian Freedom Army will have their
opportunity to exercise their right against the oppression of Bashar al-Assad
The tragedy is that innocent lives are always the price of a brutal
regime until…
…the fuel of hatred is finally burnt out and law and order through
common sense can come in
See the Syrian Freedom Army take Damascus and hail it a military
success. Then and only then can the start of a new peace plan be evoked
The UN can do nothing, but sit back & watch for events to run
their course & only then can they go in & deal with the mounting
The war on illegal ivory is now turning…
…It has been a vast exercise. Too many elephants have been
exterminated for China’s insatiable appetite for ivory…
…To kill such a magnificent animal to obtain tusks for ornamental
reasons shows a warped mind. It means life is not sacred them
Until the culture of ivory changes the battle to keep these
magnificent creatures alive is a very difficult task indeed
Inspite of all the sufferings, these creatures have endured…
…There is now light at the end of the tunnel, as more awareness and
education is being given. Hope to the elephant is now there!
Queen Elizabeth II has set an example of her unswerving will to
show the world that through adversity one can and must rise above it and…
…take the necessary stand to put the past behind and start anew
Aung San Suu Kyi has equally demonstrated her will to move on, that
she bears no grudges towards her oppressors…
…Her role is to unite her people through justice and peace
If these two outstanding ladies, whose lives have been affected by
much pain and sorrow, have the courage and the wisdom to move on…
…from the past, then why is it that others around the world cannot
learn by their example
Is it the arrogance and the selfish pride of those world leaders
that keeps them entrenched in their warlike situations?
Are they not brave enough or have the wisdom to see the futility of
it all…
…or are they like spoilt children continuing to have their tantrums
and think they are clever
The tragedy for world leaders is that they cannot hide, all is
revealed, especially their motives, which are not the desires of their people
Bashar al-Assad has now finally admitted that Syria is at war. Surprise,
…the entire world already knew that and we predicted this sometime
Now it is open season on killing by Bashar al-Assad on his people
and anybody who is against him…
…Finally he can show his hand of which he will be severely judged
by his people, the world and the Higher Forces
All is seen. Nothing is ever
hidden. His hand has been in every event, destroying all those who are against
The continued unrest between Israel and Palestine will only
continue while their politicians want it. Their people do not!
If the situation in Northern Ireland can be sorted out with the
will of the people and its politicians, so can peace be restored
Many years of war and unrest have brought Northern Ireland to its
…Now, through diplomacy and a certain amount of forgiveness, a new
era is born
Queen Elizabeth II will be meeting Northern Ireland’s deputy first
minister and…
…it will be a further step into mending the many pains of the past
It takes intelligent, broadminded people to go forwards and try to
bridge the hurts of the past…
…It is only the stupid and the arrogant who remain entrenched in
their own hatred, which fuels their own negativity
Politicians who keep their countries at war will pay the price, not
only in this lifetime, but in the next…
…Nobody gets away with such continued disrespect for human life!
As predicted that Syria’s army would defect in their droves to
Turkey, this mass exodus of army officials will not stop
Before long Bashar al-Assad will be toothless inspite of military
support from Russia, which is now wavering under extreme pressure
See the Bashar al-Assad regime fall and a further bloodbath by the
people against his own supporters
Russia will be side-lined, as Turkey will puff up its feathers and
show a military might which is ready should the need arise
A true reformation to occur with every institution in the land and
the world. So many will fall, they can’t believe it!
All institutions, be it the Catholic Church, be it banking or
financial institutions, all who thought they were safe, will be no more
They have been asked to reform and have been found wanting, so the
price is swift decisive action
This transformation is a global thing. See the mighty fall and the
people at last are free from the shackles of servitude
All will see this happening!
See a compromise between Syria’s FSA and the regime to bring in
radical reforms
The Syrian Government now in a full stranglehold and isolated, it’s
Generals leaving in their droves
The Afghan situation will blow up again as militants of the Taliban
further strike out against the world
To live in the dark ages is the Taliban’s prerogative…
…They do not have the right however to force the Afghan people to
submit to their ideology
Mankind is free to worship whom they chose to, but not at the
dictate of a gun to one’s head…
…No respect can ever come about because of this regime
Rebekah Brooks will try and slip out of her situation feeling she
has might on her side…
…Her own naivety of Spiritual Law will see her own downfall
Rebekah Brooks and others will have stiff fines and penalty charges
brought against them the likes of which they can never recover from
Italy and the rest of Europe will further fall…
…They have taken their eye off what is necessary and that is the
total reconstruction of the Eurozone
See the Greeks fight back as a new package deal, which they can
manage, will allow them the lifeline they now deserve
The people of Greece will now be able to start again. Their wakeup
call has been severe indeed
For Europe the wakeup call is still not being acknowledged & it’s
only when it is teetering on the edge will it finally recognise its faults
Be warned. The Egyptian Military will disrupt the polling results…
….They want the power and they mean to have it regardless of what
the Egyptian people want
This again is not a democracy, but a continued dictatorship.
See the streets filled with blood again. This is a no win situation
Until the US backs off and stops controlling the world because of
their own fears, nothing will ever get better
Israel to experience further clashes. See their country diminish
and not get bigger. Other neighbouring countries will start to enter in
Their worst fears that they will be overrun are happening…
…The more you fear a situation the more that fear is fed until the
monster is released into a realisation
They only have themselves to blame!
All over the world justice to the people is given…
…Those who are corrupt, tyrants or mass murders all come under the
Law and they get their just desserts
Until Pakistan with the help of their Supreme Courts comes out of
the Closet of Corruption and misdeeds to their own people...
…they will have no standing in this world
Both Man’s Law and God’s Law will be exercised either separately or
…The Law will always prevail and justice will be seen to be done
and glorified
As predicted, Rupert Murdock’s Empire will be radically reduced to
nothing. The misdeeds within this Empire will help to bring it down
…It will happen in Murdock’s own lifetime
The wakeup call is to feed the world’s starving, whether it is due
to climate change or war-torn countries
The call is the same, children are dying in their thousands and
Mankind’s call to help is but a drop in the ocean
Nobody wants to take responsibility. Governments and politicians
are only interested in lining their pockets
More and more Governments will be pulled down until the cries of
the people are finally heard
No Government is exempt or too big to be pulled down. Look around
the world today as more revolutions are breaking out
The people are not at rest. Mankind must now answer the call for
As predicted on our Twitter site, Greece has finally won through –
the party from the far right to emerge the victors
See Greece transform themselves and where they will dictate
policies and Europe will need to oblige
Greece will secure a necessary package, where money can be paid
… where the Law now protects the people against Governments where
they have mishandled matters in the past
See the Greek people surrender their own beings and become more
integrated, more united, in their National survival
Heroes are born every day and Greece will have their own. See a
mighty force now turn matters around for the good of the people
As predicted by us that François Hollande would win in the
Parliamentary Elections and…
…would have sufficient seats to deal with the necessary financial
reconstructions that he needs for his country’s survival
Is there anybody out there taking note, as more important
information is given to the world through these two sites than anywhere else?
This is a wakeup call to the world. What are you politicians doing?
Are you asleep or are you just waking up?
We are now hot on the press in advance of circumstances. Learn and
read, be enlightened. The wakeup call is all around you!
The Dalai Lama on tour throughout the UK, his aim is to spread
Buddhist teachings of peace and understanding to youngsters
Peace and understanding should be taught to all ages…
…Respect bring given to the wise elders of our society, so that
through their example it can then filter down towards the young
It is the disrespect by the young to the elderly and each other in
society, which has caused massive unrest throughout the UK
The young see the world is only for them and the older generations
have run their sell by date
Until society respects those who have gone before with all their
experience, how will the young ever learn!
Many parts of the world are infected by the negative destructive
forces that Mankind has inflicted
Crops do not yield enough harvest. They are blighted. Water becomes putrefied and is undrinkable
The land starts to die as the negativity incurred removes the love,
neutering the necessity to restore life. Barren wastelands occur
Man’s destructive forces are all around us. Mother Earth fights to cope;
often it is not enough…
…The negativity is too great to bring about a recovery
Love must enter in so healing to the world, land, livestock and
mankind can again live together and thrive
Greece to make a stand to help Govern themselves…
…Their situation is dire, but the people are now willing to
relinquish the austerity package endorsed by Germany
The Greek people will fight to achieve a form of solidarity to
bring about a sense of self-governing…
…the likes that Europe has not seen before
Never underestimate the Greek people. They are resilient and a new
form of financial structure will come in…
…whereby they can form a Government and finally manage their own
See the Euro further drop. It is literally hanging on by a prayer.
The Greater Forces will remove its power to buy
Russia now is sealing its own fate, so frightened is it of their own
destructive legacy, it cannot move into the 21st century
Still plagued by tyrants and suppression, Russia will have to change
as its people will demand it…
…It is not the people who do not want to integrate with the outside
…It is their Governments, who continue to hold the shame of the past
and are frightened it will all come out
Russia’s Government is frightened of its own shadow and so their iron
tight grip will disintegrate…
…They cannot hold the balance of power any longer
See a new surge of violence, not only in Russia, but also in China…
…These Governments no longer can maintain the lid of suppression
among its people
The Universal Energies will unite for the people and give them the
necessary strength and…
…courage to stand up and fight the common enemy within their own
suppressed Governments
The Moscow revolt will escalate in their protests against
fraudulent votes in December’s Presidential Elections
No matter how hard Putin demonstrates against his own people with
his hard-line tactics, all will come to nothing
The Russian people have been here before. They know fear and
ruthless behaviour by the Government. This time they are not afraid
But Putin will be!
The situation in Syria will start to fall in its intensity, as more
soldiers of the state defect
They do not want to get involved in war crimes against their own
people and they see matters escalating and getting out of control
The Syrian Army will be caught in a backlash and will have to pay
the price for the mass execution of their own people
See Bashar al-Assad being executed by his own people. His time is coming
As Gadaffi had his time, all tyrants now the world over, one by one,
are facing impending doom by their own hand
See a boost to President Obama’s ego, as a plot to succeed him
fails. He is being counter undermined and it leaves him vulnerable
A new established Government in France is gaining momentum…
…as President François Hollande will pass reforms, which the French
can and will manage
New policies by George Osborne to alleviate the austerity packages
will be welcomed by all branches of Government
A new ideas programme will see George Osborne lift off restrictions
…impose a better package of policies, which can make growth to the
UK appear
No matter what President Obama says regarding the steering away of
the Eurozone from economic crisis, we are already in it
Nothing can stop the Eurozone falling. It has to fall completely
before it can be rebuilt in a better way
Taking control away from the big banks and putting back control
into smaller institutions, who serve the people and…
…where financial safeguards are always in place, must occur
See more and more banks fall. There is no safety net anymore
As predicted, a vast range of politicians from all aspects of
society in Egypt is now being formed
This will at last give greater assurances to the Egyptian people
and a feeling that they are now heading towards democratic reform
The al-Shabab organisation in Somalia is now being dismantled, as
their own organisation is under attack from within
See the Somalian people gain full rights to their country and…
…to renew trade links, which will help stabilise a Government,
which was not possible before
The world is now facing economic disaster on a magnitude not seen
World leaders, powerless to address these situations, will see them
fall from power
The wake-up call to the world is now…
…Are politicians sitting up and listening or are their egos so
great they ignore what has been brewing for years?
Look now politicians to those who know what will happen and who
have the direct line to know how to deal with it
It is no good asking when matters are so out of control. Ask before
it happens, so you are in a better position to put it right
All Governments will be shocked into finally listening and doing
Europe is in declined, no matter how many bandages or treaties are
established, no one can save these communities
Reform must mean reform and institutions and banks will continue to
fall until the banks and finance groups are restructured and…
…policies put into place to stop their reckless speculation
See a landslide in Financial Markets throughout the world
China, Russia, the Middle East cannot escape this devastation. The
wake-up call is now!
Vladimir Putin’s control behind the scenes of Russia’s Parliament,
to curb Russians from their freedom of speech, will back fire
The more Putin puts a stranglehold on his people, the more they
will revolt
Putin’s fear, that he will be deposed and his power lost, is only a
matter of time. The more one fears, the more it will happen
His shaky Presidency will explode in his face as he oversteps the
mark. Russia’s revolution is just
gathering momentum
Like the Tsars were deposed, so will Putin be in time
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations send out a clear message
to the world that…
…the people of Great Britain love their Queen and rejoice in her
The stability and service to her people is a clear indication of
her steadfastness to keep a nation together with love and respect
Her rein has not been easy, often turbulent and upsetting, yet her
spirits remain resolute…
…in her passion to serve her people, which she sees as her duty to
For those in respective Governments around the world, who look on
and admire…
…should look now to their people and to see if they have been found
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is a monument to the nation’s support
for a Queen whom they love and…
…a natural tradition, which outlasts every aspect of human life
The Queen will see another birthday of enormous changes both inside
the monarchy and without
A new birth to the Royal Family will be a joy to the nation, as it
will signify a turning point in how the monarchy handles the next decade
As predicted the rising up of the people in Egypt against the
The military Government have not heard the people. They think just
to appease them is enough
The US influence in Egypt is not wanted and they have to realise
for a true democracy to come about…
…the US have to back off and stop controlling Egypt’s military for
their own purpose
A further bloodshed is likely unless the military Government backs
down and answers finally to the people
The people must be allowed to deal with their own affairs and…
…with a fledgling Government, enter into the 21st
Century and to learn what true democracy is all about
Aung San Suu Kyi will make the necessary changes to bring down the
military in Burma
The world now looks to Burma for change. All eyes are on this
country for real democracy, as they have been in the wilderness long enough…
…The Government wishes to have a more lucrative time of it.
Austerity has been a very high price for the people of Burma
See new roads and railways being built in Burma linking in vital
routes for the county, so trade at last can come to the people
Spain’s banking systems are defaulting one by one. They cannot hold
on in this grip of mismanagement and uncertainty
See half of the country lose out. It’s economic structure
completely in tatters…
…The bailout is hard to predict, but a 20% offering of help is all
that can be produced under the gravity of this fiasco
The IMF is in no financial position to offer any long term
assistance. They just don’t have the funds anymore
See Spain limp and try to survive a further economic battering…
…Their banking structure is heading for the high water line and it
is not stopping there
See more Spanish Banks default and left by their Government. They
cannot be bailed out. Their time due to mismanagement has now come