See a further fall in the Euro. See a panic to buy gold instead of foreign currencies
Many European leaders in uproar as the new financial crisis comes about. Nobody is safe anymore
The European World Bank will be in overdrive to help those countries who are falling…
…The Bank cannot match what is essentially a bottomless pit
All dictators and corrupt Governments around the world need to be scared. The people of this world are coming for you
No one is exempt and no one will get away with their misdeeds. Start to see the growing impetus of the people of this world…
…Suppression is no longer allowed
Aung San Suu Kyi will be overwhelmed with the mounting support for her National League for Democracy party
Aung San Suu Kyi heads the people who seek change. Their voices will be heard inspite of illegal practices by the current regime…
…Her party will have a landslide victory
See democracy about to be formed. She is an amazing lady and is always a servant to her people
‘God’, The Higher Intelligence, is all above love, compassion, harmony of existence between souls and of nature
To live with nature and to love and not destroy, then, and only then, will the world come into balance and harmony
The people grow tired of wars, famine and suppression. ‘God’s’ natural Laws of Cause and Effect are in place to keep man in balance
Until fear is removed, hatred will continue to grow and be the destructive force. Allow love to enter in and with that much security at last
As has been tweeted before, the plight of human rights for children comes up daily…
…When will these abuses stop and adults and Governments be held to account?
Syrian authorities deliberately and systematically abuse, torture and kill children…
…Who is there strong enough in this world to bring these perpetrators to justice?
If the world and Kofi Annan think that Bashar al-Assad will abide by the six point peace plan they are being delusional
A greater united force to stop Somali pirates will be issued. It will be discussed in the UN and will concern countries all over the world
See some serious retaliation towards Somali pirates as the impetus to sort them out continues to grow
A world court to try these pirates will now become possible, as a strong message needs to be given…
…so that safe haven is given to all those who enter those seas
See a closer relationship between Barack Obama and Russia as they forge ahead to get world peace
A startling new approach of various Syrian factions will be able to come together as a united force to unseat President Assad
See another smash explosion killing thousands in Afghanistan as a well-mounted operation will hit this country hard
The UN coalition and US forces will be caught by surprise
Kofi Annan will make only little headway in Russia, as Russia prefers to do things in their way as opposed to being told what to do
Syria’s towns again will come under attack as Bashar al-Assad increases his drive to punish his own people. There is no let up!
His wife is coming under increasing pressure to leave her husband as he falls deeper into the history of his own choosing
Unless Asma al-Assad leaves him openly, she will have the same vitriol imposed on her
She is a stain on this country, which fights for their freedom. Like Assad, she continues to ignore the cries of her people
Regarding Anders Behring Breivik, this man in not insane…
…and the Norwegian Courts will see that he is convicted to life imprisonment for his horrendous crimes against humanity
Public opinion in Norway is running high and raw…
…Its people want justice and to see Anders Behring Breivik let loose on the lines of insanity will not wash
See the people of Norway rise up with banners. It is in response to the innocent, who have been massacred by this ruthless killer
He was completely sane in his organising of the killings
See the world around us as a thing of beauty. God’s creation given freely for us to enjoy
Evolution through the centuries – see new and endearing species of much plant and animal life. These are the true wonders of the world
Teach our children to love and not to hate for what is demonstrated in the home will have a lasting effect on all of us throughout our lives
A gathering tightening of the grip on Syria is being further reinforced
Bashar al-Assad will be squeezed to death, not only by external forces…
…but by his own Government officials, who are starting to raise growing concerns
See more Syrian’s Government officials leave office to defect to the other side
Kofi Annan will not be able to get all the concessions for the Syrian people that he would like. Many of his suggestions will be thrown out
Until the Catholic Church honours its children, who have been abused, no faith at all will be seen as being nothing more than hypocritical
The perpetrators of child molestation, who hid behind the safeguards of the Catholic Church, will be brought to justice
Nothing will be hidden anymore. Their hypocrisy will be revealed and a purging is now necessary
No body, no institution, is that big that it cannot be brought down for its crimes against humanity and the innocence of children
In America the banks are starting to downsize by order of the Government
President Obama will further push for this, so that the people can obtain control…
…instead of large institutions, which feel they are untouchable still!
Iraq will fall apart again. It will be brother against brother, son against father, until a Government can bring all factions together
This Iraqi Government must be represented by all people in order to get their message across…
…which is peace and prosperity for the future of this country
Until this happens Iraq will crumble into the dirt. The people have to realise peace brings prosperity, war brings famine and unrest
Stricter Universal Laws to protect the innocent children in war torn countries should be implemented
Stiffer sentences against Governments, who perpetrate war against children – they have blood on their hands
When will this world wake up?
Bashar al-Assad doesn’t care. The killing/slaughter of children goes on indiscriminately
Who will stand up for children’s rights?
Chancellor George Osborne will delight the English people as more safeguards to economic reforms are now being implemented
George Osborne has kept a tight rein on the economy…
…Now he will be able to see he has leeway to make small adjustments to help people in industry
Pensions will be given a raw deal, which will be overruled by the House of Lords giving pensioners a better deal
There will be an extensive voting system set up to find the next replacement for the Archbishop of Canterbury
The popular church figureheads will be surpassed by a relatively unknown…
…whose moderate views will be seen not as a sign of weakness, but more in keeping with today’s society
The Church of England’s ruling to vote in more women bishops will be a very close call with women bishops carrying the vote – just!
That part of the tunnel in Switzerland will hold a strange experience for a very long time until the vibrational energies begin to lift
These could take some time to shift, as there are few experts who are able to relieve these situations…
…Those who do know are rarely called in to help
David Cameron and his wife Samantha have visited the memorial site of 9/11…
…Those sensitive enough can feel the distressed energies, which still occupy that site
Again it takes special people to be able to exercise their expertise in bringing these vibrations to rest
Until that happens nothing can really be built on that site that will ever last
Kofi Annan will come away with nothing. Bashar al-Assad will never step down until he is forced to
See the next city of Idlib be destroyed like Homs…
…Systematic killing will continue while no military action strong enough to rest Assad is in place
He is determined to slaughter his people into submission, like his father did, rather than give up his Presidency
Until Bashar al-Assad is removed nothing can halt this slaughter
A memorial to the accident in Switzerland will be mounted in the memory of those Belgian children and adults killed on that fateful day…
…Their loss felt forever
See the race for the Republican Presidential Election hotting up. If Mr Romney thinks money can buy him that prize he is sorely mistaken
The American people are not so naïve to think that monied Republicans can get whatever they want…
…There is much dissatisfaction amongst the Republican voters
There are still strong outsiders, who can upset a very close knit race for the Republican candidacy
All in the end will be a waste of time, as no one can oust President Obama as his voice is heard louder and clearer
The voice of the people again will be heard as a major breakthrough in the economy is felt
See a further wave of fighting right across Helmand Province & Afghanistan, as retaliation for the latest incidents injects further hatred
See the American people put pressure on the Government to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan
Another walkout, as in Vietnam, by the people to bring home their troops. This war can never be won…
…The sooner this is realised the better for the entire world
Prince Harry has surpassed all expectations…
…As predicted, he has done outstanding work for the Queen’s Jubilee and the people have taken him to their hearts
Prince Harry’s warmth and enthusiasm has struck a permanent core with all these people…
…He is a person with a sensitive nature and knows instinctively how to behave
The Queen will be in no doubt as to his outstanding performance. He does Great Britain credit
The Vatican’s decree to denounce gay marriage will fall on deaf ears…
…They cannot take the moral high ground when their own Church is full of indecency and flagrant disregard of human rights of abused children
See a coming away in thousands, as the church’s grip on humanity no longer holds water
Anybody with any sense will see being excommunicated from the Catholic Church is now a joke
All those people, who can see out of the box of ignorance, have left the Church with their minds anyway
The Church has lost its control over those who seek a better life and who can live by their own moral code of ethics
Jesus Christ was about love and decency towards his fellowman, not about control and immorality, which is why the Church stinks
President Obama’s tight schedule for economic reform is now gaining in strength. His Reform Bills will be passed by the Senate
Republican candidates will have egg on their faces, as the growing strength and pace by the Obama administration gathers momentum
Republicans will have no answers. Theirs is a hot air campaign…
…Their warmongering regime is being quashed as a new more flexible diplomatic mission starts to take over
See another massacre in another city north of Homs. This ruthless regime will stop at nothing to bring its subjects to submission
The Arab League will try to fight on another level to supress Bashar al-Assad’s tactics…
…The Arab League is a laughing stock. They have the blood of fellow Muslims on their hands too
Rupert Murdock will need to concede interests in BskyB as the noose gets even tighter leaving his position untenable
Greece will renege on its promises. The debt swap won’t be enough to keep them afloat
Greece will fall into the abyss!
See a new European market form against all the odds. Germany will not be its main contender
A unilateral component of safeguards, to free countries from the pitfalls of failed governments, will emerge
Europe will finally emerge out of the ashes of disaster, but only when everything has fallen away to allow new institutions to be formed
Radical changes to the EU in Brussels will also see necessary changes and a vast reduction in bureaucracy is long overdue
EU Ministers won’t any longer enjoy what they feel is a free ride, free lunch, anymore. Those days are long gone
Safeguards to protect massive amounts of money being misused by EU Ministers in Brussels will be implemented
Until a single revolutionary for the Afghan people comes out, a man who can unite all the different tribes, a continuing impasse remains
Even the hidden oil and gas pipeline cannot be an equivalent price for so many lives
Like Vietnam, when will we realise we can never win. The Russians realised it was useless over many years
See Russia’s growing unrest as the people gather strength to oppose this regime. Momentum is certainly increasing against intolerable odds
Real democracy will be given to the Russian people in time. A country has to want it enough
Iran’s situation to grow worse. Israel cannot afford to step out of line as its mother – the US – will slap its wrists to keep it in place
Russia, whether it is ready or not, will get sucked into a revolution fever…
…The same fever and human rights issues that applied to the Arab Spring
See Russians revolt. Their anger has been quashed for too long…
…They understand the meaning of liberation and they want it now for their own people
The Russian Government cannot afford to keep the lid on this for much longer. An outburst of gigantic proportions to occur
New found treasure under the sea will see new ways of salvaging such an important historical haul
Better arrangements with the Unions and with the British Government will become possible…
…as new deals are struck and the acceptance of the inevitable is now possible
See the NHS reforms scraped and new legislation put into place to safeguard patients’ interests over bureaucracy. A coop for the Government
More fighting to occur in Afghanistan due to Taliban interference – many injured
The cracks in the Eurozone to get even wider; until new policies are implemented nothing can ever change
Greece’s fall financially will hit Italy next, as it will have a knock on effect, bringing everything down…
…Wake up Europe. This is just the beginning
Many new policies to create a new Britain are being manufactured…
… Worldwide acclaim will show that Britain, although small in miles is mighty still in so many ways
As the world wakes up now to the new British image…
… new respect and trade commitments will see a surge in the economy allowing for debts to be paid at a greater rate
David Cameron will come across massive criticism on so many things…
…but by remaining firm and in control the turnaround will be felt by millions
He can and will rise above the barrage of insults and become a better Prime Minister than even he thought possible
The situation in Syria to get worse again, as all out annihilation by the Assad regime is further mounting
He cannot accept that he has done anything wrong. He naïvely still thinks Syrians still love him. His denial in all this is deafening
Until there is a force of such strength, nothing can change. Half of his country will be in ruins. Ghost towns are already starting to occur
He is being squeezed financially, but that does not stop him